MEDT 7466 - Digital Photography in Instruction
Photo Assignments - Photos taken and edited according to set criteria. Each photo has an explanation form with links to the photograph.
Photo 1 - Portrait
Photo 2 - Scene Mode
Photo 3 - Depth of Field
Photo 4 - Color Accent
Photo 5 - Light & Shadow
Photo 6 - Rules of Thirds
Photo 7 - Night Time
Photo 8 - Double Exposure
Photo 9 - Transforming Objects
Photo 10 - Atmospheric Space

Digital Storytelling Project - A digital story that can be used in a K-2 classroom about shapes.
Photographs used in the project
Final Digital Storytelling Project
Digital Storytelling Form

Collaborative Lesson Plan - A lesson developed and taught to a small group of individuals that included teaching a photographic concept.
Lesson Plan
Turning Dust into Art Article
Worth a ThousandsWords Article
Portrait Article

Report and Discuss 1 - Current research on emerging frameworks and reactions

Report and Discuss 3 - Research, discuss, and evaluate online repositories of digital photograph resources
Photo Editing Techniques for Web Use 1 - Demonstrates how to create or change between various file formats.

Photo Editing Techniques for Web Use 2 - Demonstrates how to edit and manipulate digital images using internet-based image editing software for image rotation, cropping, resizing, color adjustment, gray scale, sharpness, and application of photo filters.

Photo Editing Techniques for Web Use 3 - Demonstrates a creative use of image editing software to achieve a product useful for instruction.

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Last updated on December 4, 2012 by Lisa Weaver