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Creating a New Local Repository

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 | New Repository  |  Adding Files  |  Reverting
  1. Go to the “repository” menu on the file bar next to the Apple icon, and choose the “new local” option.
    screen shot

  2. Pick or create a destination folder with a meaningful name.
    screen shot

  3. Once you click the “save” button Murky will ask if you wish to convert click the “convert “button.
    screen shot

  4. Move files that you wish to add to the repository into the newly created folder.

  5. After moving files into the folder they will appear with blue question mark icons in the file tree, they must be added to the repository (use the procedures outlined in the Adding Files section).

Home  |  Cloning a Repository  | Managing a Repository
 | New Repository  |  Adding Files  |  Reverting

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