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Additional Links to Other Websites about Christianity

Christianity for Kids

This website has information about Christianity along with games, activities, and a virtual tour of a Baptist church.

Christianity for Children
This website has information about Christianity and is a great source for a quick overview of the religion.

This website lists basic beliefs of Christians, the History of Christianity, and several common Christian terms and definitions.

Virtual Bibles
This website lists websites where you can read a bible online.

Chronology of Christianity
This website gives an in depth chronology of Christianity.

Christian Games
This website includes several Christian games about various subjects.  Students will need more knowledge of Christianity to play most of these games.

Resources Used to Make Website

Barrow, Mandy. "Christianity for Kids." Woodlands Junior School Tonbridge Kent UK. Oct.-Nov. 2008. Woodlands Junior School. 10 July 2009

. Benorden, Bob. "Image of Jesus Teaching." Let Me Tell You About Jesus Christ, Lord of All, Our Savior. 10 July 2009

 "Bible Map of Apostle Paul's Second Missionary Journey (50-54 A.D.)." The Journal: News of the Churches of God at 10 July 2009

Bingham, Jane. Christianity around the world. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media, 2007.

Brown, Alan. Jesus and Christianity (Great Religious Leaders). North Mankato: Smart Apple Media, 2002.

"Easter image by canadiansentinel on Photobucket." Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket. Canadian Sentinel. 10 July 2009

 Easter 2007. Digital image. Irish Catholics Bishop Conference. 10 July 2009

 "Image of the Vatican." Long Beach. 10 July 2009

 "Jesus of Nazareth." 10 July 2009

 Jordan River. Digital image. Jesus 8880. 10 July 2009

May, Luella. "Jesus' birth image." Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at
. Luella May. 10 July 2009

 Picture of Dove. Digital image. General Conference Church of God. 7 July 2009

 Picture of Jerusalem. Digital image. International Middle East Media Center. 10 July 2009

Wilkinson, Philip. Christianity. New York: DK Pub., 2003.

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Last Updated July 12, 2009 by Carla Gregory