Holy Communion The Holy
Communion is a ceremony in which Christians reenact the last supper.
They eat bread and drink wine as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.
The bread and wine are also a symbol of the eternal life offered to
Christian’s. The Holy Communion is also called Mass, Holy Liturgy,
or the Lord’s Supper.
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Baptism A baptism is a
ceremony to welcome a new member to the Christian faith. It is an
outward profession of a Christian’s desire to be “born again” through
Jesus Christ and allow the
Holy Spirit into their lives. In the baptism ceremony, the
participant comes in contact with water. Sometimes it is poured
over their head or they are completely immersed in the water. A
baptism can also be called a christening.
Advent Advent occurs for
the four Sundays before Christmas. During Advent, Christians
remember the events leading to the birth of Christ.
Christmas The festival of
Christmas occurs on December 25th in the Roman Catholic Church and
January 7th in the Orthodox Church. It is the celebration of
Jesus' birth. Most
Christians celebrate the event on December 25th.
Easter Easter is the
celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are several other days that Christians
celebrate around Easter. Two such days are Lent and Good
Lent Lent is the forty
day period leading up to Easter.During Lent,
Christians choose a personal sacrifice to honor Jesus' resistance to
Good Friday Good Friday is
the Friday before Easter that marks the day when Jesus was killed.It is a solemn day in the Christian faith.