Virtual Computer
Hard drive
Optical Drive
Power Supply
Video Card
Addition Info
Interactive Activities
Web 2.0
Site Map
Navigation\Instructions of CIO's Website

When navigating thru the website students will have two option to view and learn about computer components and its features. 

  1. One option is for students to click-on the hyperlinks on the left side of the page
    1. Except for the clicking the INTRO or VIRTUAL COMPUTER links, students will be able to navigate to any component by using the provided hyperlinks that are labeled with computer parts.
  2. The second option is for the students to use the VIRTUAL COMPUTER hyperlink, which will direct the user to a virtual computer.
    1. Students can click on any yellow highlighted computer component and that components webpage will open displaying its information.

Once the students have become familiar with the information about the computer components, the students will be able to look at additional information under the ADDITION INFO link or they can test themselves by clicking on the INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES link.

  1. Students can view other websites with specific information on other computer components or watch a YouTube video about computer components.
  2. Students that start the interactive session will be able to take a crossword puzzle test, and they will have the option to take the test online or print the crossword puzzle out and take the test.  Students will also be able to take a Google docs quiz online (WEB2.0) and Google Blog.  There is also a fun interactive game (INTERACTIVE GAME QUIZES) that students can take.  These games give students the option to choose the game they want to play and then answer some questions based on the material that was covered on the components pages.   All activates listed give immediate feedback, except for the printed out crossword puzzle.

If students need help with anything there is a SUPPORT (top) link that students can use to get in contact with their instructors and students can use the site map to navigate thru the pages of the website.


Team Members

How to Navigate
