Virtual Computer
Hard drive
Optical Drive
Power Supply
Video Card
Addition Info
Interactive Activities
Web 2.0
Site Map
Group Members

Members of CIO

Diana Clarke
Project Manager

Katrina Prather
Content Area Expert

Beth Moore Williams
Instructional Designer

Edward Roberts
Graphic Designer/Programmer

ABED 6107
Instructional Strategies for Technology
Instructor: Dr. Harzari

Learning Objectives

This module that we have create, will help students have a deeper understanding of a computer. They will be able to click on the individual components of a computer. Upon doing so, a screen shall display 2-3 different descriptions or types of that component.

Each component will give details as to what it is used for and the type of computer in which it would be used best if applicable. So once students have finished our module, they will have a better understanding of the specs for computers.

This website will help students have a better understanding of a computer and its components so when they purchase one or use one, they would be more familiar with the specs and processes of how it works. In addition, if a student is ever required to order computers for their company, they would be familiar with what is needed to appropriately take care of the needs for that business.

  • Students will be able to discuss the purpose of each computer component.
  • Students will have a better understanding for choosing specs for computers upon completion of this module.
  • Students will be able to use correct terminology when referencing the parts of a computer

Team Members

Team effort makes the Difference.


Collaboration is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together toward an intersection of common goalstest



Project Narrative: Computers Inside and Out

Project Narrative: CIO.doc
Printable Version MS