Division Methods Used in Fourth Grade

Box Method

This method is the fastest and most simplest form of long division and is easy to see and recreate. The box method for division is completed by placing the dividend in boxes instead of just the division bar. The process of the box method is just like the long division process, but instead of bringing the next numerb in the dividednd down after subtracting, the remaining numbers are brought up to the next box and placed in front of the next number in the next box. As we complete this process in class, we reference the boxes to the place value chart, and when the remaining numbers are left after subrtacting they are regouped when they move to the next box. For instance, one ten is changed in for ten ones and put with the ones. This method is just like the Box Method of multiplication, only we are working backwards. We already know the product in the box, we are looking for the factors on the sides of the box.

Picture of steps to complete a division problem using the box method

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The above image was downloaded from TeachersPayTeachers. (2019), and its licensing allows re-use. To purchase the full poster and correlating worksheets please visit Teachers Pay Teachers.

Standard Algorithm

In class, students and I call this the "5th grade way". This is the old school method, and the one that many parents are familar with. The end goal of 4th grade math is to teach all students this method before they move up to 5th grade. I communicate this expectation with students, but I also tell them that they have the freedom to choose in fourth grade until they grasp the understanding of what they are doing. The following link is an example of how to solve a long division problem using standard algorithm.

Khan Academy- Youtube.com-Dividing numbers: long division with remainders | Arithmetic

Standard algorithm is harder for most students, only beause the process is hard to memorize, and keeping the problem organized is also hard for most 4th grade students.In class we use a saying to memorize the process "DMSB- Does McDonald's Serve Burgers for Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring down

Does-Divide, McDonalds-Multiply, Serve-Subtract, Burgers-Bring Down

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The above image was downloaded from TeachersPayTeachers. (2019), and its licensing allows re-use. To purchase the full poster and correlating worksheets please visit Teachers Pay Teachers.

Place Value Grouping or Dot Method

This is the dot method (named by students). The students draw dots to model each number on a place value chart and then group the numbers into groups given by the divisor. THis is the mthod method most usually prefer to use, because there is no need to know multiplication facts, the dots the students draw fit into the number of groups that can be made in that place value and then the left overs are regrouped into the next column.The down side to this mehtod is that the dots can get very messy when bigger numbers are used in the problem. Students are taught in class to draw the dots in arrays that match the divsor, so if the divisor is two the students would draw the dots in groups of two in each place value column to represent the dividend. Students use this method when they are not confident with their multiplication facts, and as they grow more confident, I urge students to move away from this method and on to a quicker one.