Activity Five:
The Life Cycle of a Human

Life Cycles Introduction Life Cycles Activity One Life Cycles Activity Two Life Cycles Activity Three Life Cycles Activity Four Life Cycles Activity Five Culminating Activity

Explorers, your journey through the life cycles of living things is almost over. We have saved the best for! You are a living thing. Just like the living things that you have learned about already, you too go through stages in your life.

Use this PowerPoint (click here to view) to learn about the stages of your life. While you are reading the PowerPoint, be sure to keep in mind the other living things you have learned about. How are you the same? How are you different?

Next, watch the video below to see what other students have learned about the human life cycle.


Finally, create a Venn diagram that compares the life cycle of a human to the life cycle of one of the other four living things we have studied in this curriculum web. You may make your diagram on poster board, construction paper, or on the computer and print it. Use this rubric to help you.

3 points

Happy Face

2 points

Straight Face

1 point

Sad Face

stages of the life cycles labeled All stages are labeled some stages are labeled few stage are labeled
Gives information about each of the stages of the life cycles Information is provided about all stages Information is provided for some stages Information is provided for few stage
Each stage is illustrated Illustrations for all stages are provided Illustrations for some stages were provided Few illustrations are provided
Diagram compares the human life cycle to another living thing's life cycle Diagram clearly compares two living things Diagram somewhat compares two living things Diagram does not compare two living things
Project is neat and organized Project is well organized, easy to understand, and neat Project is some what organized, easy to understand, and neat Project is not organized, difficult to understand, and messy


As a life cycle expert, you have one more activity to complete. Continue on the Culminating Activity!

Human Life Cycle

Teaching Guide - Curriculum Web Plan
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Last updated on July 12, 2011 by Lisa Weaver