Activity Two:
The Life Cycle of a Frog

Life Cycles Introduction Life Cycles Activity One Life Cycles Activity Two Life Cycles Activity Three Life Cycles Activity Four Life Cycles Activity Five Culminating Activity

Frogs are amphibians. This means that they are born in the water and as they grow they move to land. In this activity, you will learn about the stages of life a frog goes through. Keep in mind the stages of the butterfly and see if you can find at least one way the two are similar.

First, follow this link to the Life Cycle of a Frog video. Watch the video with your partner. Make sure you are paying attention because you will need to use the information to complete some fun activities.

After you have watched the video, click here and see if you can label the stages of a frogs life.

Next, play this game to make sure that you know the stages of the frog's life.

You are on your way to becoming a life cycle expert. Your next step is to go to the class blog spot ( and create a new entry. In this entry, you will pretend you are a frog. Explain to the reader what stages you go through and what happens to you at each stage. Once you have posted, visit a classmate's post and leave them a comment. Use the checklist below to help you complete your blog entry.

____ yes _____ no 1) Did you write your entry in complete sentences?

____ yes _____ no 2) Did you write your entry from the point of view of a frog?

____ yes _____ no 3) Did you include the stages that you go through?

____ yes _____ no 4) Did you include what happens in each stage of your life?

____ yes _____ no 5) Did you leave a comment on a classmate's post?


Your next stop in becoming a Life Cycle Expert is Activity Three. Keep working hard explorer!

Frog Life Cycle Picture

Teaching Guide - Curriculum Web Plan
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Last updated on July 12, 2011 by Lisa Weaver