This module is designed to meet the needs of gifted and high achieving students. Students using this module should be self-motivated and be comfortable using technology. This unit is non-linear and untimed. Some students may need to take more time than others to create their presentations, choosing to go into greater depth or design a more elaborate presentation. Timing and completion should be discussed with the student(s) at the conference session during “Planning and Goal setting.”
- Present students with the mock scenario, “Master of Ceremonies.”
- Discuss evaluation, standards, and possible presentation types.
- Show students the Curriculum Web and allow students to explore links.
Historical Georgians Homepage
- Ask students to go to the “Historical Georgians” webpage and choose at least one Georgian to research.
- Students should then proceed to their chosen Georgian’s biography page by clicking on the hyperlink at the “Historical Georgians” webpage.
Short Biography Page(s)
- Students are to perform the activities on the biography page then take a short six-question quiz. (Students may also perform the bonus activities found on this page if they so wish.)
- After completing the quiz students should be proceed to their chosen Georgia’s webquest.
Webquest Page(s)
- Students complete the activities found on the webquest page and record their research using the graphic organizers found therein.
The teacher will use a rubric to evaluate student work.