¡Bienvenidos al Caribe!
There are three countries in the Caribbean that speak Spanish.
La República Dominicana, Puerto Rico y Cuba

Beach in the Dominican Republic.
La República Dominicana shares an island with Haiti. It's capital is San Salvador.
Puerto Rico is a series of islands. It is a commonwealth of the United States, and there is a large military base on some of the islands. It has a democratic government. It's capital is San Juan.
Cuba is most known by Americans as a communist country. Before the regime of Fidel Castro, a dictator, it was a democratic country and a popular tourist destination for wealthy Americans. It is only 90 miles away from Key West, Florida. It's capital is Havana.
Test Your Knowledge
How many countries in the Caribbean speak Spanish?
What country in the Caribbean shares an island with Haiti?
La República Dominicana
Puerto Rico