¡Bienvenidos a America del Sur!
There are 9 countries that speak Spanish in America del Sur.
Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay.
The largest country in America del Sur, Brazil, does not speak Spanish. They speak Portuguese. The countries in America del Sur can be categorized into two different regions.
Los Paises Andinos, or the Andean Region, which includes Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. The Andean reagion is named after the Andes mountians, which traverses though these countries. Although Argentina and Chile also have parts of the Andes Mountain Range in them, they are cosidered to be a part of the Southern Cone. Los Paises Andinos are comprised of countries in the northern part of the South American Continent.
El Cono Sur, or the Southern Cone, includes Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay. El Cono Sur is comprised of countries mainly in the southern part of the continent. Both regions offer a variety of large cities, mountains, beaches. In the country of Peru, the most notable attraction is Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an ancient city nestled at the top of the Andes mountains. It laid dormant and forgotten for hundreds of years, and was rediscovered in the early part of 20th century. Since it is on top of a mountain, the only way to access the ancient ruins is by train or foot. Cars cannot make the steep climb to see the ancient city. The city was built by the Incas, a civilization similar to the Mayas in Mexico, who were native to the area.

A blue footed booby, which can only be
found in the Galapagos Islands.
In Ecuador, there are islands called los Galápagos. There are animals that live there that live no where else in the world (similar to Madagascar).
Most people think of America del Sur as being warm. However, in el Cono Sur, towards the southern tip of the continent, there areas of sub antarctic climate. It is close to Antarctica! You can even see Penguins in some places!
Ahu Tongariki is a 15 moai ahu.
(Set of 15 statues.)
In Chile, there is an island called Easter Island that has monuments from a group of people named the Rapanui that once lived there. The stautes are called the moai. They are laid out throughout the island, and archeologists have theorized how they got there and what their purpose was.
America del Sur is an amazing continent that has the largest concentration of Spanish speaking countries in the world. If you ever get a chance to visit, plan on staying awhile, ¡
porque hay muchas cosas que hacer!
Quiz your Knowledge
Where is Machu Picchu?
On a beach in Brazil.
In the ocean off the coast of Paraguay.
On top of a mountain in Peru.
In the United States.
What are the Galápagos?
A set of islands that have their own species of animals.
They are french names.
A set of islands that contain giant statues left by an ancient civilization.
A mountain range.
What is Easter Island?
A set of islands that have thier own species of animals.
A island that contains giant statues called moai left built by the Rapanui people.
A place they have huge parties once a year.
A mountain range.
Which South American Countries Speak Spanish?
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Los Paises Andinos
El Cono Sur