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Las Hermanas Mirabal

The class will watch a movie together, research the history presentend in the movie, and respond to the story.

Together, the class will watch the film En el Tiempo de las Mariposas

After watching the film, go to these links

After reviewing the information on the above websites, respond to the movie and the information you read. Consider the following questions as you respond:

What do you think about the story of the Mirabal sisters? Did you find it interesting, sad, or perhaps boring? Who was your favorite character from the movie? For whichever character you name, make sure to defend that response with examples of why you chose this character as your favorite from the movie and the readings.

Give your overall thoughts and feelings, and summarize what you learned from reading about the Mirabal sisters and watching En el Tiempo de las Mariposas.

Go to to post your response.

Writing Rubric

The following rubric will be used to assess the writing response portions of the curriculum web, which are found in the Espana and Mexico section of the curriculum web.


Does not Meet

Needs Improvement

Meets Criteria

Exceeds Expectation

Required Components

3 or more required components are missing.

2 required components are missing.

1 required component is missing.

0 required components are missing.


Writing is disorganized and difficult to follow.

Writing has some elements of organization, but is difficult to follow.

Writing is well organized, but sometimes difficult to follow.

Writing is well organized and easy to read.


There are 5 or more grammatical errors in the writing.

There are 4 or more grammatical errors in the writing.

There are 3 grammatical errors in the writing.

There are 2 or less grammatical errors in the writing.

Quality of Response

Writing does not address topic properly. Writing is minimal, unclear, and shallow.

Writing address topic, but is unclear and shallow.

Writing addresses topic clearly.

Writing addresses topics clearly and thoroughly.