Equity, Economy, & Environment

"... meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"
Bruntland World Commission

Eat Local

Did you know that consuming locally grown foods help to promote sustainability? This article provides an in depth analysis about locally grown foods and how they help promote sustainability.

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There are many ways that we can integrate sustainable practices into everyday living. This article identifies ways you can help maintain a sustainable planet every day.

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UWG Campus

The University of West Georgia works to promote sustainability both in and out of the classroom. This article explains how you can help contribute to sustainability on campus.

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All of the little things that we often take for granted add up to a huge waste of sustainable resources. This article points out the importance of those resources.

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Learn More

We worked hard to gather the information contained on this website. This page is a compilation of our favorite websites where you can learn more about sustainability.

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About Us

We are all students at the University of West Georgia who believe that sustainable living should be an integral part of the community. Learn more about each individual on the team.

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