It's easy to lessen your energy use without making many major changes at all. When you leave a room, turn off the lights and make sure that you unplug or turn off electricity "vampires". These are things like phone or computer chargers, televisions and DVD players, and sleeping desktop computers. All of these use electricity without you even knowing it. Buying energy efficient light bulbs and replacing worn out appliances with energy star models is another way to keep that electricity bill low.

In the winter turn down your thermostat and turn it up in the summer, especially if you’re not home. The most energy efficient settings are 68 in the winter and 78 in the summer. Don't forget to change the filter monthly. Units which can't breathe, cost more to operate. Give your heat system a break by using solar heat in the winter, open curtains and drapes to let the sunshine in. Close them in the summer so your A/C doesn't have to work so hard to cool your house.

It's equally easy to save water. Fix that leaky faucet! Take shorter showers, 10-15 minute showers can save a lot of water; and don't let it run any longer than necessary, once it's hot, it's hot. Cut the water off while scrubbing and you'll save even more. Don't run the water while brushing your teeth. You can let a lot of water go down the drain in those 2 minutes.

While you're saving the environment, you're saving your wallet. Following these simple tips can really add up to savings!