You are Now at the End of your Journey...
You have now finished your very important job on this journey! Now for
the very fun part...we are going to put on a wax museum for the entire
school! Get ready to "school" your school on Georgia's famous
historical figures!
Individual Assignments for the conclusion to this webquest are:
*Go to the class blog and blog about your experience throughout this webquest. You must make at least one post but you can comment on classmates posts as often as you like.
Then go to the class wiki page and write at least 2 facts about 2 different historical figures other than yours that you learned from the presentations. Have fun!
You will be assessed by this rubric for these assignments: Class wiki and blog rubric
Last assignment is to click here to print off your reflection sheet for this webquest.
Congrats! You are completely finished!
There is a hidden item in this webquest. See if you can find it and let the teacher know! :)
