Final Activity

Creating Your Social Justice
Multimedia Presentation

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You've made it to the final activity!

Introduction | Task | Standards | Process |

Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits

You are an activist for a group of concerned citizens fighting for a social injustice cause. You have been asked to visit high schools and try to convince students that they should take a stand against the injustice. You must consider the four themes discussed during activity 3 and complete the assignment outlined under the Action. This is an independent project, partners are NOT ALLOWED!

Choose one of the themes found in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" and make a connection to a social injustice issue that you've identified in Activity 2. Convince people to consider actively fighting for your cause by providing them with insight about the issue. All presentations must be 4-5 minutes long.

ELA9RL3: The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to contemporary context or historical background.
ELA9RC4: The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject areas.
ELA9W3: The student uses research and technology to support writing.
ELA9LSV1: The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions.

You will be creating a multimedia presentation about this cause in Microsoft PowerPoint, Moviemaker, Glogster, Podcast etc.This project will increase your awareness about the particular social injustice that you have chosen to research. As you watch your classmate's shows you will also become aware of other injustices that exist in our world today.
You are required to complete a MLA Style Works Cited page to accompany your presentation. You will need to obtain information from 4-5 sources. Initially, you will need 1 source (your choice) and 2 from a scholarly source such as books, encyclopedia's, scholarly journals and newspapers etc. (we will review how to do this as a class). You will also need to find additional sources that corroborates (confirms the truthfulness of) the first 3 sources.

Final Assessment Rubric
Shows an understanding of the material and is able to answer questions ____/25
Topic covered thoroughly and enough information given to understand topic ___/25
Did not exclude any important information or include any unnecessary information ___/25
Creative design is easy to see and follow and did not include any unnecessary graphics ____/25
Total ____/100

These activities are designed for students enrolled in 9th Grade Literature and were created inorder to provide you the student with the opportunity to learn the skills that are necessary to comprehend and interpret written as well as audio and visual texts. Completing each activity successfully means that you have been given the opportunity to perform research, effectively communicate and share your newly acquired knowledge with your classmates. These are standards that all students residing in the state of Georgia must master (as outlined by the Georgia Department of Education ). These goals are designed to ensure that each student in the state of Georgia successfully work towards mastering these skills which are key to their successful transition into becoming productive citizens in adulthood.

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Pictures obtained from Microsoft Clip Art 2007
Last Updated on November 27, 2010 by Serena Robertson