Welcome to the Genes and Heredity Home Page!
Why do you look the way you do? Why do your friends look the way they do? Why is your dog brown, white, black, or a combination of all three? The answers to these questions can be found in genes. Not the ones you wear, but the ones found in your cells. As it turns out, heredity, or the passing of traits from parents to offspring is more complicated than you might think. People have been investigating this question for a long time. About 150 years ago, Gregor Mendel performed some very important experiments. His discoveries helped scientists begin to find some answers to these questions. By clickling on the links above you will discover a number of activities that will help you learn more about Gregor Mendel and the exciting science behind your genes!
How do I use this website?
The two main pages on this site, Mendel and Inheritance, each contain 3 topics. Each of the 3 topics include some introduction text followed by links to websites, games, or videos to help further your knowledge. After you have studied these items, you will find an activity to be completed and turned into your teacher. You can identify these activities by looking for the orange check.
Culminating Activities
At the end of the Mendel page and the Inheritance page you will notice a culminating activity. When you have finished everything else you may chose one of these Culminating Activites to complete for a project grade (100 points).You can identify them by looking for the blue arrow.