Instructional Technology Portfolio
        Jossette Sherwood-Hill          

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Field Experience

National   Educational Technology 
Standards (NETS) and Reflections

College of Education (COE) 
Standards and Reflections



   Welcome to my IT Eportfolio! As a sixth grade  gifted literacy teacher, my goals are to be  prepared to help my students meet and exceed grade level expectations, develop lifelong skills that will help them in college and keep up with technology innovations as they move to the future global workforce.         

   It will not be enough for them to enter the labor force with the same skills as the previous generation. They will need to increase analytical, creative, and technical skills in order to compete in a global economy.  As a result of completing the Instructional Technology program, I  believe that I can help my students develop these much needed skills as I integrate  technology into the curriculum.        

   My Eportfolio is a purposeful collection of selected projects that I have completed which demonstrates effort, knowledge and skills that I have obtained during my coursework. I am pleased to share my accomplishments with the oral presentation committee and my colleagues.

Last updated by Jossette Sherwood-Hill July 7, 2010                                                                                    Top of page