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MEDT7467: Web Development for Instruction
This was my first experience with DreamWeaver. The hardest part at first seemed to be making sure that I put all of my folders where they needed to be so that I could retrieve them on my home machine. There was a lot that I did that I didn't understand why I did it, but I'm sure the logic of details of how to create a page will come as I complete more assignments. For this assignment, I feel like I was hanging on every word with the video tutorial. I enjoyed creating the anchors at the top. I also learned and random tidbid of trivia while completing this, I had always wondered how to create a long line, such as the ones used to separate the anchors at the top of the page. At this point, many of the processes are still a blur as to how what I'm doing is making the website work. I was more comfortable completing this assignment due to completing the Georgia WebQuest the previous week. I like that we completed assignments that allowed us become familiar with the process before we had to transition our DreamWeaver skills over to our content. This allowed me to focus on what I really wanted to include in my webquest rather than worry over the content and the process simultaneously. I felt like this one could be two separate assignments. One assignment for actually completing the curriculum web, and another for uploading it to DreamWeaver. I had formatting issues from having my alignment off when I typed the content in MS Word. Two of my paragraphs are still right aligned and after countless attempts, I have not been able to figure out how to fix it. Lesson learned- type content in a left-aligned txt document. This assignment was very involved. I absolutely love the rollover images, but know that I would not be able to complete this again on my own without rewatching the tutorial. I liked using PhotoShop to give the pictures a clean border, but it was very time consuming for a small detail. I wonder if there is a quicker way to do this in DreamWeaver. This was an interesting assignment that was very informative in the way of creating rules for text. I like that the tutorial showed several different ways to complete the same task so that I would be able to choose a preferred method. At the time though, when my frustration was at its peak, I wanted to see one way so that I could complete the assignment. I guess hindsight is 20/20. I really liked using Inspiration to create my concept map. It is very user-friendly and I loved all of the options. At this point I felt very comfortable saving my concept map as an image file on my own and adding it to a page in DreamWeaver. I was actually able to use one of the pages I created previously for the format, making it rather simple to complete. There was a lot of good, informational steps on the William McIntosh page. I liked that we went through and completed a lot of processes that paid tribute to detail, such as the capital text rule and the floating images. Although I though adding a Google Doc quiz to the page was a really cool idea, I'm not sure I could do this on my own. Adjusting the code still overwhelms me a bit. Completing an instructional plan for my curriculum web was most helpful in breaking things down so that I can follow my plan at a glance. This allowed me to break my activities up into specific time frames, decide what activities I would like for remediating and accelerating students to complete, and detail a complete set of resources needed for all activies involved in the unit. I feel like the newest skill I learned while completing the Yazoo Land Fraud page was how to include links that yielded pop-ups with suggestions. I found this to be one of the more fun activities because I played around with what the pop-up messages said. It was confusing at first because I'm still not exactly comfortable with adjusting the codes. Adjusting the assessment plan was difficult for me initially because I felt like I had everything I needed the first time. I soon realized that I needed to adjust my assessment plan to have differentiated assessments for my remediation and accelleration groups. Assignment 3.12 This is the reflection on my assignment. Adding color to the lines on my concept map and a key depicting what the line color were applicable made my concept map even more multi-faceted. This added to the organizational structure of my concept map. Assignment 3.14 This is the reflection on my assignment. I realized that I could use the prototype I created for this assignment. I added links to my content pages in a table with a column for a video that I will post when I learn how to embed a video in a webpage. I was excited to finally have a homepage in which everything could be linked. This assignment helped me to understand the importance of adding multimedia to a webpage. The multimedia elements really brought my web pages to life. This made each page much more visually interesting as well as provided students with a "hook" to get them interested in each destructive force. Ensuring that an evaluation plan relevant and useful for determining a websites strengths and weaknesses is an important component to site building. Chapter 11 in the textbook helped me verify what I needed to focus on to ensure my website was fit to be used in the classroom. I enjoyed completing this assignment. To make my webpages interactive, I created short quizzes in Google Forms for each of my content pages. These quizzes will help me to determine students' background knowledge of destructive forces before the unit begins. For this activity, I updated the methods section in my instructional plan on the curriculum web. I included many aspects of how the activity will be completed specific to the my classroom and student make-up situations. This was a very helpful activity that made the activity a real possibility of happening in my classroom. Assignment 3.20 This is the reflection on my assignment. |