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El mundo Hispano: A Curriculum Plan and Teaching Guide

Instructional Plan
Differentiation of this curriculum web will be accomplished by using various activities and methods to implement the curriculum web such as:
Choice of assignment
Group Work and Individual Work
Interactivity within the website and in provided links to activities
Group work will be an important strategy to complete several activities in the curriculum web. It will give students the opportunities to work together to complete more complicated tasks and have overall more in depth final products. Even though group work strategies will be implored throughout various activities in the curriculum web, it is important to hold each group member accountable for their contribution to the group.

Learning Activities
Complete Web Quests
Compile lists of information about various countries
Use the computer to create visuals for presentations.
Play interactive games on topics to practice learning objectives.
Read passages and respond to them.
Perform skits about Culturally acceptable behaviors (such as greetings customs)
Draw/Research Animals in the Rainforests of the Spanish speaking world
Convert currency using the exchange rate calculator
List and compare prices of foods here and in Spanish Speaking Countries
Research and make authentic foods from Spanish speaking countries

Outline of Activities

1. Mexico y El Norte

Topic 1: Currency: Los EEUU y Mexico

Currency Calculator
Students will use the calculator to convert American prices to pesos.
Global Grocery Project
Students will be assigned groups of 3 or mores students. Each member will be assigned the same 5 items from the global grocery list. Students will then work with their group and use the currency calculator to compare prices, convert prices, and average prices. Groups will turn in a spreadsheet of their totals an averages.

Topic 2: What do you call a Spanish speaker?

Hispanic vs. Latino: Read and respond. Students will read a section of an article entitled “Hispanic vs. Latino.” Students will respond to the article in writing. Students will summarize the section of the article they read and respond with personal feelings about what message the articleis trying to convey. Responses will be no less than 2 paragraphs, and nomore than 4 paragraphs.

2. Espana

Topic 1: Which is the only country in Europe that speaks Spanish?

Currency Calculator
Students will use the calculator to convert American prices to the Euro.

Global Grocery Project
Students will be assigned groups of 3 or moresstudents. Each member will be assigned the same 5 items from the global grocery list. Students will then work with their group and use the currency calculator to compare prices, convert prices, and average prices. Groupswill turn in a spreadsheet of their totals an averages.

Topic 2: Spanish Literature

Don Quijote
Read selected sections and respond. Students will read anoverview of the novel Don Quijote that is in the Spanish I Bienvenidostext, provided by the teacher. Students will respond to the reading by answering the comprehension questions listed after the reading.

3. South America

Topic 1: Which South American countries speak Spanish?

Interactive Web Activities: (interactive map/quiz game)
Students will work individually for this activity. Students will play an interactive geography game to help them practice the location of Spanish speaking countries in South America. Students will take a quiz on paper that is provided by the teacher when they feel they know the location of the Spanish speaking countries in South America. The quiz will be on paper, and will be a blank map of South America, with a country bank for students to refer to.

Topic 2: Los Paises Andinos

Webquest. Students will work in groups of 2 to complete this activity. Students will research the Spanish speaking countries in the Andean region of South America. Students will create a power point that includes specific information about the countries and present it to the class.

Topic 2: El Cono Sur

Students will work in groups of 2 to complete this activity. Students will research the Spanish speaking countries in the Southern Cone region of South America. Students will create a power point that includes specific information about the countries and present it to the class.

4. America Central

Topic 1: Which Central American countries speak Spanish?

Interactive Web Activities: (map/quiz game)

Students will work I individually for this activity. Students will play an interactive geography game to help them practice the location of Spanish speaking countries in Central America. Students will take a quiz on paper that is provided by the teacher when they feel they know the location of the Spanish speaking countries in Central America. The quiz will be on paper, and will be a blank map of Central America, with a country bank for students to refer to.

Topic 2: What are the climates in Central America?

The Rainforest
Students will work individually for this activity. Students will use the web to research the rainforest and create a drawing/diorama/presentation about one of the Plants or Animalsfound in the rainforests of Spanish Speaking countries.

Culminating Activity
Students will work in groups of 2 for this activity. Students will choose a Spanish speaking country they have studied in the curriculum web. Students will write a skit in Spanish about visiting a restaurant in this country. Students will also make a culturally authentic food from this country to share with the class. Students will write a description of the food in Spanish.

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