Welcome to Activity Page 2 of the M6A2 Curriculum Web Unit!
If you are finding the previous activities easy as pie or you are looking for a challenge, you have come to the right place!
This page contains activities that will challenge your algebraic thinking. Choose two activities to complete in this section.
Activity 2.1
In this activity you will choose a song and using the rhythm of the song, you will create your own song to teach a student how to solve an algebraic proportion. Use the chorus of a song that is recognizable and use it to create your masterpiece.
When you complete your song, please type the lyrics in Word and save the file. Link it to the page, "Curriculum Web Activities". In addition to the upload, write a brief description of your activity. For information on how to upload to the wikispace, click here.
Grading Rubric for Activity 2.1
Check out the video below for inspiration.
"Order of Operations" using the music "Umbrella" by Rihanna.
Activity 2.2
Choose a strand from the standard that you feel you know pretty well. Create a VoiceThread that your peers can use to remember how to apply this strand of the standard to what they know about algebra. Post a link of your VoiceThread to the class wiki on the page titled “Curriculum Web Activities”. Add brief description of your project.
Grading Rubric for Activity 2.2
Check out this example of a VoiceThread from Mrs. Bailey.
Activity 2.3
Using resources found on the class wiki, create a “Kaboom!” game for one element of the M6A2 standard. Using Word, create a document with at least twenty questions. Save your document and post it to the class wiki. Remember to include an answer sheet.
Grading Rubric for Activity 2.3
Remember - when you complete ALL activities, go to the home page and complete the survey at the bottom of the page.