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Week 4

Photo of early airplane.

The beginning of the 20th Century was a time of huge growth. America's population was growing causing a boom in industy too. New inventions by people such as Alexander Graham Bell,Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, and George Washington Carver contributed to these newly forming industries. Some of their inventions, such as the lightbulb and telephone, were changing how Americans worked. American's were able to work in huge buildings beyond the hours of daylight (earlier in the morning and later at night). These industries were able to specialize in their products because of the number of people available to buy their products. No longer was there one person who made many different items such as a "Cooper" who would make barrels, tubs, wheels, etc. or one woman making soap, cloth, AND pottery. There were now companies that made one item! One company to making soap, one company making cloth, another company making barrels.

There were many more people in the cities and more of these products were needed, thus the growth of industry. But this growth also caused a growth in unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. Women and children suffered the most by working long hours and in dangerous situations. However, these new workers were eventually able to join together to form labor unions and eventually strike to receive better working conditions. The new inventions and industry growth contributed to many new entrepreneurs. Some of these entreprenuers were able to build huge corporations and eventually monopolies. Once an business owner had control over all of one particular industry, such as the oil or steel industry, there was no competition for the price of these products. Eventually it would take the government to force the monopolies to break up into smaller, individually owned businesses. The industrial revolution brought huge changes to America's way of life through new jobs, professions, things to buy, ways to communicate and ways to travel through better transportation.

Activities for this week include a response to a discussion question after reading the above text, watching the linked videos, and playing a scatter game on Quizlet.

Watch the two video segments and then visit the link to the Quizlet site to test your comprehension of the definitions above. Next, post a paragraph to our class wiki answering the following question: Which invention has had the most impact on humans worldwide? Compare and contrast between the Wright Brothers' flight, George Washington Carver's contributions to science and plants, Alexander Graham Bell's communication (phone), and Thomas Edison's electricity (lightbulb).

Introduction to the Industrial Revolution
Conclusion: Living during the Industrial Revolution

Test your knowledge of the Industrial Revolution and Inventors of the time period! Be sure to use the "learn" feature to review the terms and then play the "scatter" game. Write down your best time and include it in the discussion question.
Inventors, Inventions, and Market ideas Quizlet

Now visit our class Wiki to submit your answer to the discussion question.


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