Georgia Peach Picture Picture of a Georgia Peanut

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits

Your group has recently been hired by the Georgia Department of Agriculture as consultants.  The Department of Agriculture wants to persuade the Georgia senate to increase its support for one of Georgia’s major crops.
In terms of revenue generated, Georgia's top three agricultural products are broilers (young chickens), cotton, and cattle. Also important to many Georgians are Peaches, Peanuts, and Vidalia Onions.  You may pick from one of these six crops.

Your group should make a 10 minute power point presentation persuading the senate committee (your classmates) to support an advertising campaign for the crop that your group has chosen.  The presentation should  highlighting all of the benefits of your chosen crop including the health benefits of the crop, the economic benefits of the crop to Georgia’s economy, and the historical importance of the crop.

Before you begin, please explore each of the crops by going to the Agriculture in Georgia page ( to get an overview of each crop.  Use the information that you find to decide (as a group) which crop you are going to present on.
Next, you should research the three areas of your chosen crop (History, Health Benefits, and Economic Benefits)  and record your findings.  You should identify at least three facts in each of the three areas (nine facts in all) to support your presentation.  Use the following links to conduct your research:


Presentation Rubric




Needs Improvement


Exceeds Expectation

Students produce a product that is attractive and creative.

Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. is evident, but these often distract form the presentation of content.

Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but occasionally there detract from the presentation of content.

Makes good use font, color, graphics, effects etc. to enhance the presentation.

Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.

Students produce a product that is organized

There was no clear of logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.

Most of the content is logically organized and clearly presented.

The overall organization and presentation is appropriate.

Content is well organized, easy to understand, and clearly presented. 

Students produce a product that exhibits proper mechanics.

More than 4 errors are spelling or grammar.

Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

No misspellings or grammatical errors and the language is appropriate.

No misspellings or grammatical errors and the language used shows an in depth understanding of the material.

Students make a persuasive argument

Presentation receives no votes.

Presentation receives less than 25% of class support.

Presentation receives more than 25% of class support.

Presentation receives unanimous vote of support.

Finally, you should create a PowerPoint presentation that covers each of the facts that you identified and makes a persuasive argument as to why your crop is the best one to advertise.  Carefully read the evaluation rubric so see how your presentation will be evaluated.  In addition to your teacher’s evaluation the number of votes your presentation receives from your classmates will also be used to determine the persuasiveness of your presentation.

Images Courtesy of the Georgia Archives.  

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Last Updated On June 18, 2010 by Talleah Smith