Banner for Surface Area

Picture of three pigs Three Little Pig Builders Picture of  pigs sweeping

M6M4 Students will determine the surface area of solid figures (right rectangular prisms and cylinders).
a. Find the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders using manipulatives and constructing nets.
b. Compute the surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders using formulae.
c. Estimate the surface areas of simple geometric solids.
d. Solve application problems involving surface area of right rectangular prisms and cylinders.

Three Little Pig Builders have gone into business building the prefabricated homes shown below.

Picture for three pigs task

a) Give the geometric name for each house and estimate its volume.

b) Three Little Pig Builders have decided to charge $30,000 for House A. What is the fair market value of each of the other homes assuming that the cost of each home is proportional to its volume? Make a table to organize your data. Use words and symbols (including proportions and formulas) to explain your reasoning.

c) Estimate the surface area of House A and House B.

d) The inside of House A and House B are in need of painting before they can be sold. Each home has a 3 ft. by 5 ft. door and two 2 ft. by 2 ft. windows that do not need painting. All of the walls need painting including the floors and ceilings. A gallon of paint costs $25 and covers 300 ft2. Three Little Pig Builders require that a work order be submitted for approval before making any purchases. Write a work order that explains how much paint needs to be purchased and the cost of the purchase. Be sure that your work order explains in detail how you know the amount of paint and money needed for the purchase.





Does not meet

a) Name geometric shape and estimate volume

All four geometric shapes are correctly named and volumes estimated

Three of the four geometric shapes are correctly named and volumes estimated.

Two or less geometric shapes are correctly named and volume estimated.

b) Constructed table with correct computation.

Table is organized using words and symbols correctly.

Computation is shown and is correct.

Table is organized using words and symbols accurately

Computation is shown with minor errors.

Table is unorganized.


Computation has major errors.


c) Estimation of House A and B

Estimation of SA is correct on both.

Estimations of SA is correct on one house.

Estimation is incorrect on both.

d) Work order with amount and cost of paint.

Work order contains amount and cost material needed correctly.

Work order contains amount and cost of materials needed, however contains minor errors.

Work order provided but lacks required details.


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