This page contains instructions for three different projects. You should choose one project that interests you to complete as a culminating activity.Use what you have learned in this unit and display it in your project. The sky's the limit, so be creative in your presentations.
Create A Poster
Students should create a poster that describes what they have learned in this unit. The poster should include definitions, examples, explanations, real world uses, and the challenges they faced in the unit.The poster should be neat, organized, and attractive. Students should be given three to five days to complete this task. This can be done during the class period or as an outside project.
Click here for a printable version of the rubric
Create A "How To" Book
Students should create a book detailing, step by step, how to find the surface area of rectangular prisms and cylinders. The book should include examples, diagrams, and definitions. The book should reference uses in everyday life. If the resources are available, students should create an eBook. Students should be given three to five days to complete this task. This can be done during the class period or as an outside project.
Create A Song/Rap/Poem
Students should create a song/rap/or poem that teaches the listener how to find the surface area of rectangular prisms and cylinders. The medium of choice should include definitions and references to everyday use.
Students may not use profane or obscene language. Music must be used. A copy of the lyrics should be turned in. If the resources are available, students should record the song/rap/poem on a cd to be turned in. Students may present this to the class as a part of the evaluation. Students may work alone or in groups of no more than three people. Students should be given three to five days to complete this task.