Use the rubrics to make sure you have completed your project accurately.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Timeline not completed. |
Timeline contains 1 to 5 significant dates within the 1850 to 1865 range. |
Timeline contains 6 to 9 significant dates within the 1850 to 1865 range.
Timeline contains 10 significant dates within the 1850 to 1865 range. |
Timeline dates do not include short (1 sentence) explanation of what occurred. |
Timeline dates include 1 to 5 short (1 sentence) explanations of what occurred.
Timeline dates include 6 to 9 short (1 sentence) explanations of what occurred. |
Timeline dates include 10 short (1 sentence) explanations of what occurred.
Timeline not completed. |
Timeline is not very neat, or segments are not accurate. |
Timeline is mostly neat, some clutter, and only one inaccurate segment. |
Timeline is neat and segments are accurate. |
Timeline has 5 or more grammatical or spelling errors |
Timeline has 3 - 4 grammatical or spelling errors |
Timeline has 1 - 2 grammatical or spelling errors |
Timeline has no grammatical or spelling errors |
Total Points must be 9 points or more |
Last updated June 27, 2011 by Shane Brazile