
Welcome to the American Civil War WebQuest. Use the navigation bar on the left side to explore the website.
This WebQuest is designed to help students explore the American Civil War by focusing on the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War.
Remember as you start the WebQuest, you may complete the projects in any order as long you complete them all.
Projects should be completed and submtted through your Edmodo account. Make sure you submit it under the proper assignment heading. Read all directions and rubrics to ensure you have properly completed each project to get full credit.
You have control over your unit grade. The grade requirements are as follows.
A = 23 - 25 projects completed
B = 20 - 22 projects completed
C = 18 - 21 projects completed
D = 15 - 17 projects completed
F = Less than 15 projects completed
Images courtesy of Shane Brazile
Last updated June 29, 2011
by Shane Brazile