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Chapter 1

a.   The ancestors of Jesus (1:1-1:17)

b.      An angel appears to Joseph (1:18-1:25)

Chapter 2 

    1. Visitors arrive from eastern lands (2:1-2:12)
    2. The escape to Egypt (2:13-2:18)
    3. The return to Nazareth (2:19-2:23)

Chapter 3

a.   John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus (3:1-3:12)

b.      John baptizes Jesus (3:13-3:17)

Chapter 4

a.   Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness (4:1-4:11)


1. Jesus begins his ministry

b.   Jesus preaches in Galilee (4:12-4:17)

c.   Four fishermen follow Jesus (4:18-4:22)

d.   Jesus preaches throughout Galilee (4:23-4:25)

2. Jesus gives the Sermon on the Mount

Chapter 5

a.   Jesus gives the Beatitudes (5:1-5:12)

b.      Jesus teaches about salt and light (5:13-5:16)

c.       Jesus teaches about the Law (5:17-5:20)

d.      Jesus teaches about anger (5:21-5:26)

e.       Jesus teaches about lust (5:27-5:30)

f.        Jesus teaches about divorce (5:31-5:32)

g.       Jesus teaches about vows (5:33-5:37)

h.       Jesus teaches about retaliation (5:38-5:42)

i.         Jesus teaches about loving enemies (5:43-5:48)

Chapter 6

a.   Jesus teaches about giving to the needy (6:1-6:4)

b.      Jesus teaches about prayer (6:5-6:15)

c.   Jesus teaches about fasting (6:16-6:18)

d.   Jesus teaches about money (6:19-6:24)

e.       Jesus teaches about worry (6:25-6:34)

Chapter 7

a.   Jesus teaches about criticizing others (7:1-7:6)

b.      Jesus teaches about asking, seeking, knocking (7:7-7:12)

c.       Jesus teaches about the way to heaven (7:13-7:14)

d.      Jesus teaches about fruit in people’s lives (7:15-7:20)

e.       Jesus teaches about those who build houses on rock and sand (7:21-7:29)

3. Jesus performs many miracles

Chapter 8

a.   Jesus heals a man with leprosy (8:1-8:4)

b.      A Roman soldier demonstrates faith (8:5-8:13)

c.   Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others (8:14-8:17)

d.   Jesus teaches about the cost of following Him (8:18-8:22)

e.   Jesus calms the storm (8:23-8:27)

f.    Jesus sends demons into a herd of pigs (8:28-8:34)




Chapter 9

a.   Jesus heals a paralyzed man (9:1-9:8)

b.      Jesus eats with sinners at Matthew’s house (9:9-9:13)

c.       Religious leaders ask Jesus about fasting (9:14-9:17)

d.      Jesus heals a bleeding woman and restores a girl to life (9:18-9:26)

e.       Jesus heals the blind and mute (9:27-9:34)

f.        Jesus urges the disciples to pray for workers (9:35-9:38)

Chapter 10

a.       Jesus sends out the twelve disciples (10:1-10:15)

b.      Jesus prepares the disciples for persecution (10:16-10:42)

4. Jesus teaches about the kingdom

Chapter 11

a.   Jesus eases John’s doubt (11:1-11:19)

b.   Jesus promises rest for the soul (11:20-11:30)

Chapter 12

a.       The disciples pick wheat on the Sabbath (12:1-12:8)

b.      Jesus heals a man’s hand on the Sabbath (12:9-12:14)

c.       Huge crowds follow Jesus (12:15-12:21)

d.      Religious leaders accuse Jesus of being Satan (12:22-12:37)

e.       Religious leaders ask Jesus for a miracle (12:38-12:45)

f.        Jesus describes His true family (12:46-12:50)

Chapter 13

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the four soils (13:1-13:9)

b.      Jesus explains the parable of the four soils (13:10-13:23)

c.       Jesus tells the parable of the weeds (13:24-13:30)

d.      Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed (13:31-13:32)

e.       Jesus tells the parable of the yeast (13:33-13:35)

f.        Jesus explains the parable of the weeds (13:36-13:43)

g.       Jesus tells the parable of the hidden treasure (13:44)

h.       Jesus tells the parable of the pearl merchant (13:45-13:46)

i.         Jesus tells the parable of the fishing net (13:47-13:52

5. Jesus encounters different reactions to his ministry

j.    The people of Nazareth refuse to believe in Jesus (13:53-13:58)

Chapter 14

a.       Herod kills John the Baptist (14:1-14:12)

b.      Jesus feeds five thousand (14:13-14:21)

c.       Jesus walks on water (14:22-14:33)

d.      Jesus heals all who touch Him (14:34-14:36)

Chapter 15

a.       Jesus teaches about inner purity (15:1-15:20)

b.      Jesus sends a demon out of a girl (15:21-15:28)

c.       The crowd marvels at Jesus’ healings (15:29-15:31)

d.      Jesus feeds four thousand (15:32-15:39)

Chapter 16

a.       Religious leaders ask for a sign in the sky (16:1-16:4)

b.      Jesus warns against wrong teaching (16:5-16:12)

c.       Peter says Jesus is the Messiah 16:13-16:20)

d.      Jesus predicts his death the first time (16:21-16:28)




Chapter 17

a.       Jesus is transfigured on the mountain (17:1-17:13)

b.      Jesus heals the demon-possessed boy (17:14-17:21)

c.       Jesus predicts his death the second time (17:22-17:23)

d.      Peter finds the coin in the fish’s mouth (17:24-17:27)

Chapter 18

a.       The disciples argue about who would be the greatest (18:1-18:6)

b.      Jesus warns against temptations (18:7-18:9)

c.       Jesus warns against looking down on others (18:10-18:14)

d.      Jesus teaches about how to treat a believer who sins (18:15-18:20)

e.       Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiven debtor (18:21-18:35)

6. Jesus encounters different reactions to his ministry

Chapter 19

a.       Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce (19:1-19:12)

b.      Jesus blesses little children (19:13-19:15)

c.       Jesus speaks to the rich young man (19:16-19:30)

Chapter 20

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the workers paid equally (20:1-20:16)

b.      Jesus predicts his death the third time (20:17-20:19)

c.       Jesus teaches about serving others (20:20-20:28)

d.      Jesus heals a blind beggar (20:29-20:34)

Chapter 21

a.       Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey (21:1-21:11)

b.      Jesus clears the Temple again (21:12-21:17)

c.       Jesus says the disciples can pray for anything (21:18-21:22)

d.      Religious leaders challenge Jesus’ authority (21:23-21:27)

e.       Jesus tells the parable of the two sons (21:28-21:32)

f.        Jesus tells the parable of the wicked farmers (21:33-21:46)

Chapter 22

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the wedding feast (22:1-22:14)

b.      Religious leaders question Jesus about paying taxes (22:15-22:22)

c.       Religious leaders question Jesus about the resurrection (22:23-22:32)

d.      Religious leaders question Jesus about the greatest commandment (22:33-22:40)

e.       Religious leaders cannot answer Jesus’ question (22:41-22:46)

Chapter 23

a.       Jesus warns about the religious leaders (23:1-23:12)

b.      Jesus condemns the religious leaders (23:13-23:36)

c.       Jesus grieves over Jerusalem again (23:37-23:39)

7. Jesus teaches on the Mount of Olives

Chapter 24

a.       Jesus tells about the future (24:1-24:22)

b.      Jesus tells about his return (24:23-24:35)

c.       Jesus tells about remaining watchful (24:36-24:51)

Chapter 25

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the ten bridesmaids (25:1-25:13)

b.      Jesus tells the parable of the loaned money (25:14-25:30)

c.       Jesus tells about the final judgment (25:31-25:46)








Chapter 26

    1. Religious leaders plot to kill Jesus (26:1-26:5)
    2. A woman anoints Jesus with expensive perfume (26:6-26:13)
    3. Judas agrees to betray Jesus (26:14-26:16)
    4. Disciples prepare for the Passover (26:17-26:19)
    5. Jesus and the disciples have the Last Supper (26:20-26:29)
    6. Jesus again predicts Peter’s denial (26:30-26:35)
    7. Jesus agonizes in the garden (26:36-26:46)
    8. Jesus is betrayed and arrested (26:47-26:56)
    9. Caiaphas questions Jesus (26:57-26:68)
    10. Peter denies knowing Jesus (26:69-26:75)

Chapter 27

a.       The council of religious leaders condemns Jesus (27:1-27:2)

b.      Judas kills himself (27:3-27:10)

c.       Jesus stands trial before Pilate (27:11-27:14)

d.      Pilate hands Jesus over to be crucified (27:15-27:26)

e.       Roman soldiers mock Jesus (27:27-27:31)

f.        Jesus is led away to be crucified (27:32-27:34)

g.       Jesus is placed on the cross (27:35-27:44)

h.       Jesus dies on the cross (27:45-27:56)

i.         Jesus is laid in the tomb (27:57-27:61)

j.        Guards are posted at the tomb (27:62-27:66)

Chapter 28                                                                     

a.       Jesus rises from the dead (28:1-28:7)

b.      Jesus appears to the women (28:8-28:10)

c.       Religious leaders bribe the guards (28:11-28:15)

d.      Jesus gives the Great Commission(28:16-28:20)


























Chapter 1

    1. John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus (1:1-1:8)
    2. John baptizes Jesus (1:9-1:11)
    3. Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness (1:12-1:13)


1. Jesus’ ministry in Galilee

a.   Jesus preaches in Galilee (1:14-1:15)

b.   Four fishermen follow Jesus (1:16-1:20)

c.   Jesus teaches with great authority (1:21-1:28)

d.   Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others (1:29-1:34)

e.   Jesus peaches throughout Galilee (1:35-1:39)

f.    Jesus heals a man with leprosy (1:40-1:45)

Chapter 2

a.   Jesus heals a paralyzed man (2:1-2:12)

b.   Jesus eats with sinners at Matthew’s house (2:13-2:17)

c.   Religious leaders ask Jesus about fasting (2:18-2:22)

d.   The disciples pick wheat on the Sabbath (2:23-2:28)

Chapter 3

a.       Jesus heals a man’s hand on the Sabbath (3:1-3:6)

b.      Large crowds follow Jesus (3:7-3:12)

c.       Jesus selects the twelve disciples (3:13-3:19)

d.      Religious leaders accuse Jesus of being Satan (3:20-3:30)

e.       Jesus describes his true family (3:31-3:35)

Chapter 4

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the four soils (4:1-4:9)

b.      Jesus explains the parable of the four soils (4:10-4:25)

c.       Jesus tells the parable of the growing seed (4:26-4:29)

d.      Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed (4:30-4:34)

e.       Jesus calms the storm (4:35-4:41)

Chapter 5

a.       Jesus sends the demons into a herd of pigs (5:1-5:20)

b.      Jesus heals a bleeding woman and restores a girl to life (5:21-5:43)

Chapter 6

a.       The people of Nazareth refuse to believe (6:1-6:6)

b.      Jesus sends out the twelve disciples (6:7-6:13)

c.       Herod kills John the Baptist (6:14-6:29)

d.      Jesus feeds five thousand (6:30-6:44)

e.       Jesus walks on water (6:45-6:52)

f.        Jesus heals all who touch him (6:53-6:56)

Chapter 7

a.       Jesus teaches about inner purity (7:1-7:23)

2. Jesus’ ministry beyond Galilee

b.      Jesus sends a demon out of a girl (7:24-7:30)

c.       The crowd marvels at Jesus’ healings (7:31-7:37)









Chapter 8

a.       Jesus feeds four thousand (8:1-8:9)

b.      Religious leaders ask for a sign in the sky (8:10-8:12)

c.       Jesus warns about wrong teaching (8:13-8:21)

d.      Jesus restores sight to a blind man (8:22-8:26)

e.       Peter says Jesus is the Messiah (8:27-8:30)

f.        Jesus predicts his death the first time (8:31-9:1)

Chapter 9

a.       Jesus is transfigured on the mountain (9:2-9:13)

b.      Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy (9:14-9:29)

c.       Jesus predicts his death the second time (9:30-9:32)

d.      The discples argue about who would be the greatest (9:33-9:37)

e.       The disciples forbid another to use Jesus’ name (9:38-9:42)

f.        Jesus warns against temptation (9:43-9:50)

Chapter 10

a.       Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce (10:1-10:12)

b.      Jesus blesses little children (10:13-10:16)

c.       Jesus speaks to the rich young man (10:17-10:31)

d.      Jesus predicts his death the third time (10:32-10:34)

e.       Jesus teaches about serving others (10:35-10:45)

f.        Jesus heals a blind beggar (10:46-10:52)

3. Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem

Chapter 11

a.       Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey (11:1-11:11)

b.      Jesus clears the Temple again (11:12-11:19)

c.       Jesus says the disciples can pray for anything (11:20-11:26)

d.      Religious leaders challenge Jesus’ authority (11:27-11:33)

Chapter 12

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the wicked farmers (12:1-12:12)

b.      Religious leaders question Jesus about paying taxes (12:13-12:17)

c.       Religious leaders questions Jesus about the resurrection (12:18-12:27)

d.      Religious leaders questions Jesus about the greatest commandment (12:28-12:34)

e.       Religious leaders cannot answer Jesus’ question (12:35-12:37)

f.        Jesus warns against the religious leaders (12:38-12:40)

g.       A poor widow gives all she has (12:41-12:44)

Chapter 13

a.       Jesus tells about the future (13:1-13:20)

b.      Jesus tells about his return (13:21-13:31)

c.       Jesus tells about remaining watchful (13:32-13:37)















Chapter 14

a.       Religious leaders plot to kill Jesus (14:1-14:2)

b.      A woman anoints Jesus with expensive perfume (14:3-14:9)

c.       Judas agrees to betray Jesus (14:10-14:11)

d.      Disciples prepare for the Passover (14:12-14:16)

e.       Jesus and the disciples have the Last Supper (14:17-14:25)

f.        Jesus again predicts Peter’s denial (14:26-14:31)

g.       Jesus agonizes in the garden (14:32-14:42)

h.       Jesus is betrayed and arrested (14:43-14:52)

i.         Caiaphas questions Jesus (14:53-14:65)

j.        Peter denies knowing Jesus (14:66-14:72)

Chapter 15

    1. The council of religious leaders condemns Jesus (15:1)

b.   Jesus stands trial before Pilate (15:2-15:5)

c.   Pilate hands Jesus over to be crucified (15:6-15:15)

d.   Roman soldiers mock Jesus (15:16-15:20)

e.   Jesus is led away to be crucified (15:21-15:24)

f.    Jesus is placed on the cross (15:25-15:32)

g.   Jesus dies on the cross (15:33-15:41)

h.   Jesus is laid in the tomb (15:42-15:47)

Chapter 16

a.       Jesus rises from the dead (16:1-16:8)

b.      Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (16:9-16:11)

c.       Jesus appears to two believers traveling on the road (16:12-16:13)

d.      Jesus appears to the disciples including Thomas (16:14)

e.       Jesus gives the Great Commission (16:15-16:18)

f.        Jesus ascends into heaven (16:19-16:20)


























Chapter 1

    1. Luke’s purpose in writing (1:1-1:4)
    2. An angel promises the birth of John to Zacharias (1:5-1:25)
    3. An angel promises the birth of Jesus to Mary (1:26-1:38)
    4. Mary visits Elizabeth (1:39-1:56)
    5. John the Baptist is born (1:57-1:80)

Chapter 2

a.   Jesus is born in Beth-lehem (2:1-2:7)

b.   Shepherds visit Jesus (2:8-2:20)

c.   Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple (2:21-2:40)

d.   Jesus speaks with the religious teachers (2:41-2:52)

Chapter 3

f.        John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus (3:1-3:18)

g.       Herod puts John in prison (3:19-3:20)

h.       John baptizes Jesus (3:21-3:22)

i.         The ancestors of Jesus (3:23-3:38)

Chapter 4

f.        Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness (4:1-4:13)


1. Jesus’ ministry in Galilee

a.   Jesus preaches in Galilee (4:14-4:15)

b.   Jesus is rejected at Nazareth (4:16-4:30)

c.   Jesus teaches with great authority (4:31-4:37)

d.   Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others (4:38-4:41)

e.   Jesus peaches throughout Galilee (4:42-4:44)

Chapter 5

c.       Jesus provides a miraculous catch of fish (5:1-5:11)

d.      Jesus heals a man with leprosy (5:12-5:16)

e.       Jesus heals a paralyzed man (5:17-5:26)

f.        Jesus eats with sinners at Matthew’s house (5:27-5:32)

g.       Religious leaders ask Jesus about fasting (5:33-5:39)

Chapter 6                                                             

g.       The disciples pick wheat on the Sabbath (6:1-6:5)

h.       Jesus heals a man’s hand on the Sabbath (6:6-6:11)

i.         Jesus selects the twelve disciples (6:12-6:16)

j.        Jesus gives the beatitudes (6:17-6:26)

k.      Jesus teaches about loving enemies (6:27-6:36)

l.         Jesus teaches about criticizing others (6:37-6:42)

m.     Jesus teaches about fruit in people’s lives (6:43-6:45)

n.       Jesus teaches about those who build houses on rock and sand (6:46-6:49)

Chapter 7

d.      A Roman soldier demonstrates faith (7:1-7:10)

e.       Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead (7:11-7:17)

f.        Jesus eases John’s doubt (7:18-7:35)

g.       A sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet (7:36-7:50)






Chapter 8

a.   Women accompany Jesus and the disciples (8:1-8:3)
b.   Jesus tells the parable of the four soils (8:4-8:8)

c.   Jesus explains the parable of the four soils (8:9-8:18)

d.   Jesus describes His true family (8:19-8:21)

e.   Jesus calms the storm (8:22-8:25)

f.    Jesus sends demons into a herd of pigs (8:26-8:39)

g.   Jesus heals a bleeding woman and restores a girl to life (8:40-8:56)

Chapter 9

a.       Jesus sends out the twelve disciples (9:1-9:6)

b.      Herod kills John the Baptist (9:7-9:9)

c.       Jesus feeds five thousand (9:10-9:17)

d.      Peter says Jesus is the Messiah (9:18-9:20)

e.       Jesus predicts his death the first time (9:21-9:27)

f.        Jesus is transfigured on the mountain (9:28-9:36)

g.       Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy (9:37-9:43)

h.       Jesus predicts his death the second time (9:44-9:45)

i.         The disciples argue about who would be the greatest (9:46-9:48)

j.        The disciples forbid another from using Jesus’ name (9:49-9:50)

2. Jesus’ ministry on the way to Jerusalem

k.   Jesus teaches about the cost of following Him (9:51-9:62)

Chapter 10

a.   Jesus sends out seventy messengers (10:1-10:16)

b.   The seventy messengers return (10:17-10:24)

c.   Jesus tells the parable of the good Samaritan (10:25-10:37)

d.   Jesus visits Mary and Martha (10:38-10:42)

Chapter 11

a.   Jesus teaches his disciples about prayer (11:1-11:13)

b.   Jesus answers hostile accusations (11:14-11:28)

c.   Jesus warns against unbelief (11:29-11:32)

d.   Jesus teaches about the light within (11:33-11:36)

e.   Jesus criticizes the religious leaders (11:37-11:54)

Chapter 12

a.       Jesus speaks against hypocrisy (12:1-12:12)

b.      Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool (12:13-12:21)

c.       Jesus warns about worry (12:22-12:34)

d.      Jesus warns about preparing for His coming (12:35-12:48)

e.       Jesus warns about coming division (12:49-12:53)

f.        Jesus warns about the future crisis (12:54-12:59)

Chapter 13

a.       Jesus calls the people to repent (13:1-13:9)

b.      Jesus heals the handicapped woman (13:10-13:17)

c.       Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God (13:18-13:21)

d.      Jesus teaches about entering the Kingdom (13:22-13:30)

e.       Jesus grieves over Jerusalem (13:31-13:35)










Chapter 14

a.       Jesus heals a man with dropsy (14:1-14:6)

b.      Jesus teaches about seeking honor (14:7-14:14)

c.       Jesus tells the parable of the great feast (14:15-14:24)

d.      Jesus teaches about the cost of being a disciple (14:25-14:35)

Chapter 15

a.       Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep (15:1-15:7)

b.      Jesus tells the parable of the lost coin (15:8-15:10)

c.       Jesus tells the parable of the lost son (15:11-15:32)

Chapter 16

a.   Jesus tells the parable of the shrewd accountant (16:1-16:18)

b.   Jesus tells about the rich man and the beggar (16:19-16:31)

Chapter 17

a.       Jesus teaches about forgiveness and faith (17:1-17:10)

b.      Jesus heals ten lepers (17:11-17:19)

c.       Jesus teaches about the coming of the Kingdom of God (17:20-17:37)

Chapter 18

a.   Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow (18:1-18:8)

b.   Jesus tells the parable of two men who prayed (18:9-18:14)

c.   Jesus blesses little children (18:15-18:18)

d.   Jesus speaks to the rich young man (18:18-18:30)

e.   Jesus predicts his death the third time (18:31-18:34)

f.    Jesus heals a blind beggar (18:35-18:43)

Chapter 19

a.   Jesus brings salvation to Zacchaeus’ home (19:1-19:10)

b.   Jesus tells the parable of the king’s ten servants (19:11-19:27)

3. Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem

c.   Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey (19:28-19:44)

d.   Jesus clears the Temple again (19:45-19:48)

Chapter 20

a.       Religious leaders challenge Jesus’ authority (20:1-20:8)

b.      Jesus tells the parable of the wicked farmers (20:9-20:19)

c.       Religious leaders question Jesus about paying taxes (20:20-20:26)

d.      Religious leaders question Jesus about the resurrection (20:27-20:40)

e.       Religious leaders cannot answer Jesus’ question (20:41-20:44)

f.        Jesus warns against the religious leaders (20:45-20:47)

Chapter 21

    1. A poor widow gives all she has (21:1-21:4)
    2. Jesus tells about the future (21:5-21:24)
    3. Jesus tells about his return (21:25-21:33)
    4. Jesus tells about remaining watchful (21:34-21:28)












Chapter 22

    1. Religious leaders plot to kill Jesus (22:1-22:2)
    2. Judas agrees to betray Jesus (22:3-22:6)

c.   Disciples prepare for the Passover (22:7-22:13)

d.   Jesus and the disciples have the Last Supper (22:14-22:30)

e.   Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (22:31-22:38)

f.    Jesus agonizes in the garden (22:39-22:46)

g.   Jesus is betrayed and arrested (22:47-22:53)

h.   Peter denies knowing Jesus (22:54-22:65)

i.    The council of religious leaders condemns Jesus (22:66-22:71)

Chapter 23

a.       Jesus stands trial before Pilate (23:1-23:5)

b.      Jesus stands trial before Herod (23:6-23:12)

c.       Pilot hands Jesus over to be crucified (23:13-23:25)

d.      Jesus is led away to be crucified (23:26-23:31)

e.       Jesus is placed on the cross (23:32-23:43)

f.        Jesus dies on the cross (23:44-23:49)

g.       Jesus is laid in the tomb (23:50-23:56)

Chapter 24

a.       Jesus rises from the dead (24:1-24:12)

b.      Jesus appears to two believers traveling on the road (24:13-24:35)

c.       Jesus appears to the disciples behind locked doors (24:36-24:43)

d.      Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem (24:44-24:49)

g.       Jesus ascends into heaven (24:50-24:53)



























Chapter 1

c.       God became a human being  (1:1-1:18)

d.      John the Baptist declares his mission (1:19-1:28)

e.       John the Baptist proclaims Jesus as the Messiah (1:29-1:34)

f.        The first disciples followed Jesus (1:35-1:51)

Chapter 2 

a.   Jesus turns water into wine (2:1-2:12)                                  


1. Jesus encounters belief and unbelief from the people

b.   Jesus clears the Temple (2:13-2:25)

Chapter 3

a.       Nicodemus visits Jesus at night (3:1-3:21)

b.      John the Baptist tells more about Jesus (3:22-3:36)

Chapter 4

a.   Jesus talks to a woman at the well (4:1-4:26)

b.   Jesus tells about the spiritual harvest (4:27-4:38)

c.   Many Samaritans believe in Jesus (4:29-4:42)

d.   Jesus preaches in Galilee (4:43-4:45)

e.   Jesus heals a government official’s son (4:46-4:54)

Chapter 5

a.       Jesus heals a lame man by the pool (5:1-5:15)

b.      Jesus claims to be God’s son (5:16-5:30)

c.       Jesus supports his claim (5:31-5:47)

Chapter 6

a.       Jesus feeds five thousand (6:1-6:15)

b.      Jesus walks on water (6:16-6:21)

c.       Jesus is the true bread from Heaven (6:22-6:40)

d.      The Jews disagree that Jesus is from Heaven (6:41-6:59)

e.       Many disciples desert Jesus (6:60-6:71)

2. Jesus Encounters Conflict with the religious leaders

Chapter 7

a.   Jesus’ brothers ridicule Him (7:1-7:9)

b.   Jesus teaches openly at the Temple (7:10-7:31)

c.   Religious leaders attempt to arrest Jesus (7:32-7:53)

Chapter 8

a.       Jesus forgives an adulterous woman (8:1-8:11)

b.      Jesus is the light of the world (8:12-8:20)

c.       Jesus warns of coming judgment (8:21-8:30)

d.      Jesus speaks about God’s true children (8:31-8:47)

e.       Jesus states He is eternal (8:48-8:59)

Chapter 9

a.       Jesus heals the man who was born blind (9:1-9:12)

b.      Religious leaders question the blind man (9:13-9:34)

c.       Jesus teaches about spiritual blindness (9:35-9:41)

Chapter 10

a.       Jesus is the Good Shepherd (10:1-10:21)

b.      Religious leaders surround Jesus at the Temple (10:22-10:42)



3. Jesus encounters crucial events in Jerusalem

Chapter 11

a.       Lazarus becomes ill and dies (11:1-11:16)

b.      Jesus comforts Mary and Martha (11:17-11:37)

c.       Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (11:38-11:44)

d.      Religious leaders plot to kill Jesus (11:45-11:57)

Chapter 12

a.   A woman anoints Jesus with expensive perfume (12:1-12:11)

b..  Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey (12:12-12:19)

c.       Jesus explains why he must die (12:20-12:37)

d.      Most of the people do not believe in Jesus (12:38-12:43)

e.       Jesus summarizes his message (12:44-12:50)


1. Jesus teaches his disciples

Chapter 13

a.       Jesus washes the disciples’ feet (13:1-13:20)

b.      Jesus and the disciples have the Last Supper (13:21-13:30)

c.       Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (13:31-13:38)

Chapter 14

a.       Jesus is the way to the Father (14:1-14:14)

b.      Jesus promises the Holy Spirit (14:15-14:31)

Chapter 15

a.       Jesus teaches about the Vine and the Branches (15:1-15:16)

b.      Jesus warns about the worlds hatred (15:17-16:4)

Chapter 16

a.       Jesus teaches about the Holy Spirit (16:5-16:16)

b.      Jesus teaches about using His name in prayer (16:17-16:33)

Chapter 17

k.      Jesus prays for Himself (17:1-17:5)

l.         Jesus prays for His disciples (17:6-17:19)

m.     Jesus prays for future believers (17:20-17:26)

2. Jesus completes His mission

Chapter 18

a.       Jesus is betrayed and arrested (18:1-18:11)

b.      Annas questions Jesus (18:12-18:24)

c.       Peter denies knowing Jesus (18:25-18:27)

d.      Jesus stands trial before Pilate (18:28-18:38)

e.       Pilate hands Jesus over to be crucified (18:39-19:16)

Chapter 19

a.       Jesus is led away to be crucified (19:17)

b.      Jesus is placed on the cross (19:18-19:27)

c.       Jesus dies on the cross (19:28-19:37)

d.      Jesus is laid in the tomb (19:38-19:42)

Chapter 20

a.       Jesus rises from the dead (20:1-20:9)

b.      Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (20:10-20:18)

c.       Jesus appears to the disciples behind locked doors (20:19-20:23)

d.      Jesus appears to the disciples including Thomas (20:24-20:31)

Chapter 21

a.       Jesus appears to the disciples while they are fishing (21:1-21:14)

b.      Jesus talks with Peter (21:15-21:25)




A.  PETER’S MINISTRY (1:1-12:25)

1. Establishment of the church

Chapter 1

g.       Jesus ascends to heaven (1:1-1:11)

h.       Matthias is chosen to replace Judas (1:12-1:26)

Chapter 2 

a.   The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost (2:1-2:13)

b.   Peter preaches to the crowd (2:14-2:47)

Chapter 3

a.       Peter heals a crippled beggar (3:1-3:11)

b.       Peter preaches in the Temple (3:12-3:26)

Chapter 4

a.   Peter and John face the Sanhedrin (4:1-4:22)
b.   The believers pray for boldness (4:23-4:31)

c.   The believers share their possessions (4:32-4:37)

Chapter 5

a.       The judgment of Ananias and Sapphira (5:1-5:11)

b.       The apostles heal many people (5:12-5:16)

c.       The apostles meet furious opposition (5:17-5:42)

Chapter 6

a.       The church appoints seven to help (6:1-6:7)

b.       Stephen is arrested (6:8-6:15)

Chapter 7

a.       Stephen addressed the Sanhedrin (7:1-7:53)

b.       Stephen is martyred by stoning (7:54-7:60)

Chapter 8

2. Expansion of the Church

a.   Widespread persecution scatters the believers (8:1-8:8)

b.   Philip and Simon the sorcerer (8:9-8:25)

c.   Philip and the Ethiopian official (8:26-8:40)

Chapter 9

a.   Paul is converted on the way to Damascus (9:1-9:19)
b.  Paul preaches boldly (9:20-9:31)

c.   Peter heals Aeneas and Dorcas (9:32-9:43)

Chapter 10

a.       Peter and Cornelius (10:1-10:33)

b.       Peter preaches in Cornelius’ House (10:34-10:48)

Chapter 11

a.       Peter defends his preaching to Gentiles (11:1-11:18)

b.       The Gentile church in Antioch (10:19-10:30)

Chapter 12

a.       An angel rescues Peter from prison (12:1-12:19)

b.       The judgment of Herod (12:20-12:25)

B.  PAUL’S MINISTRY (13:1-28:31)

Chapter 13

1. First missionary journey

a.   Barnabas and Paul are sent out to preach (13:1-13:3)
b.   Paul curses a sorcerer in Cyprus (13:4-13:12)

c.   Paul preaches to the Jews in Antioch in Pisidia (13:13-13:43)

d.   Paul turns to the Gentiles (13:44-13:52)

Chapter 14

a.       Paul and Barnabas preach boldly at Iconium (14:1-14:7)

b.       Paul heals a cripple in Lystra (14:8-14:20)

c.       Paul and Barnabas appoint elders on the return trip home (14:21-14:28)

Chapter 15

2. Meeting of the church council

a.   The leaders meet in Jerusalem (15:1-15:21)

b.   The council sends a letter to Gentile believers (15:22-15:35)

3. Second missionary journey

a.   Paul and Barnabas separate (15:36-13:41)

Chapter 16

a.   Timothy joins Paul and Silas at Lystra (16:1-16:5)

b.   Paul has a vision directing them to Macedonia (16:6-16:10)

c.   Lydia is converted in Philippi (16:11-16:15)
d.   The Philippian jailer is converted (16:16-16:40)

Chapter 17

a.       Paul preaches in Thessalonica (17:1-17:9)

b.       Those at Berea search the Scriptures (17:10-17:15)

c.       In Athens Paul tells about the unknown God (17:16-17:34)

Chapter 18

a.   The governor releases Paul at Corinth (18:1-18:17)

b.   The return to Jerusalem and Antioch (18:18-18:22)

4. Third missionary journey

c.   Apollos is instructed at Ephesus (18:23-18:28)

Chapter 19

a.       Christians in Ephesus receive the Holy Spirit (19:1-19:7)

b.       Paul ministers powerfully in Ephesus (19:8-19:20)

c.       The craftsmen cause a riot  (19:21-19:41)

Chapter 20

a.       Paul raises Eutychus from the dead at Troas (20:1-20:12)

b.       Paul’s farewell to the elders of Ephesus (20:13-20:38)

Chapter 21

a.       Paul continues to Jerusalem (21:1-21:17)

5. Paul on trial

b.   Paul arrives at Jerusalem (21:18-21:26)

c.   Paul is arrested at the Temple (21:27-21:36)

Chapter 22

c.       Paul speaks to the crowd (21:37-22:23)

a.       Paul reveals his Roman citizenship (22:24-22:29)

Chapter 23

b.       Paul appears before the Sanhedrin (22:30-23:11)

c.       The plan to kill Paul (23:12-23:22)

d.       Paul is sent to Caesarea (23:23-23:35)

Chapter 24

a.       Paul appears before Felix (24:1-24:27)

Chapter 25

a.       Paul appears before Festus (25:1-25:22)

Chapter 26

b.       Paul witnesses to Agrippa (25:23-26:32)

Chapter 27

a.       Paul sails for Rome (27:1-27:13)

b.       The storm at sea (27:13-27:26)

c.       The shipwreck (27:27-27:44)

Chapter 28

a.       Paul is bitten by a snake on Malta (28:1-28:14)

b.       Paul lives under guard in Rome (28:15-28:31)







A.  WHAT TO BELIEVE (1:1-11:36)

1. Sinfulness of mankind

Chapter 1

a.     Intro (1:1-1:7)

b.     Paul declares the power of the gospel (1:8-1:17)

c.     God’s anger at sin (1:18-1:32)

Chapter 2

a.     God’s judgment of sin (2:1-2:16)

b.     God’s law is broken (2:17-2:29)

Chapter 3

a.     God remains faithful (3:1-3:8)

b.     All people are sinners (3:9-3:20)

2. Forgiveness of sin through Christ

c.     Christ took our punishment (3:31-3:31)

Chapter 4

a.        Abraham was justified by faith (4:1-4:25)

Chapter 5

a.        Faith brings joy (5:1-5:11)

b.       Adam and Christ contrasted (5:12-5:21)

3. Freedom from sin’s grasp

Chapter 6

a.     Sin’s power is broken (6:1-6:14)

b.     Slaves to righteousness (6:15-6:23)

Chapter 7

a.     No longer bound to the law (7:1-7:6)

b.     God’s law reveals sin (7:7-7:13)

c.     The struggle within (7:14-7:25)

Chapter 8

a.     The Holy Spirit frees us from sin (8:1-8:17)

b.     The future glory (8:18-8:30)

c.     Nothing can separate us from God’s love (8:31-8:39)

4. Israel’s past, present and future

Chapter 9

a.        God’s sovereignty (9:1-9:29)

Chapter 10

b.       Israel’s unbelief of the gospel (9:30-10:21)

Chapter 11

a.        God’s mercy on Israel  (11:1-11:24)

b.       God’s mercy on all (11:25-11:36)

B.  HOW TO BEHAVE (12:1-16:27)

1. Personal responsibility

Chapter 12

a.     A living sacrifice to God (12:1-12:21)

Chapter 13

a.     Obedience to the government  (13:1-13:7)

b.     Love fulfills God’s requirements (13:8-13:14)

Chapter 14

a.     Weak and strong believers (14:1-14:23)

Chapter 15

a.     Live to please others (15:1-15:6)

b.     Fellowship among believers (15:7-15:13)

2. Personal notes

c.     Paul explains his reason for writing (15:14-15:22)

d.     Paul explains his travel plans (15:23-15:33)

Chapter 16

a.        Paul greets his friends (16:1-16:16)

b.       Paul gives final instructions (16:17-16:27)





1. Division in the church

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:3)

b.   Paul thanks God (1:4-1:9)

c.   Paul appeals for harmony (1:10-1:17)

d.   Christ brings us life from God (1:18-1:31)

Chapter 2

a.   The Spirit gives wisdom (2:1-2:16)

Chapter 3

a.   Paul condemns division in the church (3:1-3:23)

Chapter 4

a.   Paul counsels his beloved children (4:1-4:21)

2. Disorder in the church

Chapter 5

a.       Paul condemns immorality in the church (5:1-5:13)

Chapter 6

a.       Believers should not sure each other (6:1-6:8)

b.       Use your body to give God glory (6:9-6:20)                     


1. Instruction on Christian marriage

Chapter 7

a.   Questions about marriage (7:1-7:16)

b.   Believers should be content where they are (7:17-7:24)

c.   Questions about singleness (7:25-7:40)

2. Instruction on Christian freedom

Chapter 8

a.   Questions about food offered to idols (8:1-8:13)

Chapter 9

a.   The rights of apostles (9:1-9:27)

Chapter 10

a. Avoiding idol worship (10:1-10:33)

3. Instruction on public worship

Chapter 11

a.   Questions about covering the head in worship (11:1-11:16)

b.   Order at the Lord’s Supper (11:17-11:34)

Chapter 12

a.   Paul teaches about spiritual gifts (12:1-12:11)

b.   Believers are the body of Christ (12:12-12:31)

Chapter 13

a.   The characteristics of love (13:1-13:13)

Chapter 14

a.   Paul teaches about the fits of prophecy and tongues (14:1-14:25)

b.   Worship in an orderly way (14:26-14:40)

4. Instruction on the resurrection

Chapter 15

a.       The resurrection of Christ (15:1-15:11)

b.       The resurrection of the dead (15:12-15:34)

c.       The resurrection body (15:35-15:58)

Chapter 16

a.       Directions for the offering (16:1-16:4)

b.       Paul’s final instructions (16:5-16:24)






1. Paul explains his actions

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   We pass on God’s comfort to others (1:3-1:11)

c.   Paul’s change of plans (1:12-2:4)

Chapter 2

a.   Reinstate the repentant sinner (2:5-2:13)

2. Paul defends his ministry

b.   The fragrance of Christ (2:14-2:17)

Chapter 3

a.       God’s great new covenant (3:1-3:19)

Chapter 4

a.   Satan blinds, but God gives light (4:1-4:18)

Chapter 5
a.   Earthly bodies are weak (5:1-5:10)

b.   Be reconciled to God (5:11-6:2)

Chapter 6

a.       Paul patiently endures hardship (6:3-6:13)

b.       Be separated from unbelievers (6:14-7:1)

Chapter 7

a.       The church’s repentance gives Paul joy (7:2-7:16)

3. Paul defends the collection

Chapter 8

a.       Generous giving glorifies the Lord (8:1-8:24)

Chapter 9

a.   God prizes cheerful givers (9:1-9:15)

4. Paul defends his authority

Chapter 10

a.   Paul’s authority is discredited (10:1-10:18)
Chapter 11

a.   Paul and the false apostles (11:1-11:15)
b.   Paul’s many trials (11:16-11:33)

Chapter 12

a.   Paul’s vision and his thorn (12:1-12:10)

b.   Paul’s concern for the Corinthians (12:11-12:21)

Chapter 13

a.   Paul’s final advice (13:1-13:14)



















1. Authenticity of the Gospel (1:1-2:21)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:5)

b.   There is no other gospel (1:6-1:10)

c.   Paul received the Gospel from God (1:11-1:24)

Chapter 2

a.       The apostles accepted Paul (2:1-2:10)

b.       Paul publicly opposed Peter (2:11-2:21)  

2. Superiority of the Gospel (3:1-4:31)

Chapter 3

a. The law and faith (3:1-3:14)

b.   The law and the promise (3:15-3:25)

c.   Sons of God through faith (3:26-4:7)

Chapter 4

a.   Paul’s concern for the Galatians (4:8-4:20)

b.   Abraham’s two children (4:21-4:31)

3. Freedom of the Gospel (5:1-6:18)

Chapter 5

a.   Living in the freedom of Christ (5:1-5:15)

b.   Living by the Holy Spirit’s power (5:16-5:26)

Chapter 6

a.   We will reap what we sow (6:1-6:10)

b.   Paul’s final warning (6:11-6:18)



1. Unity in Christ (1:1-3:21)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   God’s overflowing kindness (1:3-1:14)

c.   Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers (1:15-1:23)

Chapter 2

a.   The spirutally dead are made alive (2:1-2:10)
b.   Christ is the way to peace (2:11-2:22)

Chapter 3

a.   Paul’s special mission to Gentiles (3:1-3:13)

b.   The magnitude of God’s love (3:14-3:21)

2. Unity in the church (4:1-6:24)

Chapter 4

b.       We are one body in Christ (4:1-4:16)

c.       Living as a new person (4:17-4:32)

Chapter 5

a.   Living as a child of the light (5:1-5:20)

b.       Wives and husbands (5:21-5:33)

Chapter 6

a.       Children and parents (6:1-6:4)

b.       Slaves and masters (6:5-6:9)

c.       Wearing the whole armor of God (6:10-6:20)

d.   Paul’s final greetings (6:21-6:24)










1. Joy in suffering (1:1-1:30)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   Paul’s prayer for the Philippian believers (1:3-1:11)

c.   Honor Christ by life or death (1:12-1:30)

2. Joy in serving (2:1-2:30)

Chapter 2

a.   Be humble like Christ (2:1-2:11)

b.   Shine like lights in a dark world (2:12-2:18)

Those who will soon come to you (2:19-2:30)

3. Joy in believing (3:1-3:21)

Chapter 3

a.   All is worthless compared to knowing Christ (3:1-3:11)

b.   Forget the past and reach to the goal (3:12-3:21)

4. Joy in giving (4:1-4:23)

Chapter 4

d.       Think about pure and lovely things (4:1-4:9)

e.       Paul is grateful for their gift (4:10-4:20)

f.        Paul’s final greetings (4:21-4:23)







1. What Christ has done (1:1-2:23)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   Paul’s prayer for the Colossian believers (1:3-1:14)

c.   Person and work of Christ (1:15-1:23)

d.   Paul’s mission and concern (1:24-2:5)

Chapter 2

a.       New life in Christ (2:6-2:15)

b.       Freedom from legalism (2:16-2:23)

2. What Christians should do (3:1-4:18)

Chapter 3

g.       Principles of Christian living (3:1-3:17)

h.       Principles for relationships (3:18-4:6)

Chapter 4

a.       Paul’s final greetings (4:7-4:18)














1. Faithfulness to the Lord (1:1-3:13)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1)

b.   Paul commends the faith of the Thessalonian believers (1:2-1:10)

Chapter 2

a.   Paul reviews his relationship with the Thessalonians (2:1-2:20)

Chapter 3

a.   Paul is encouraged by Timothy’s good report about the Thessalonians (3:1-3:13)

2. Watchfulness for the Lord (4:1-5:28)

Chapter 4

a.   Live to please God (4:1-4:12)

b.   Remember the hope of the resurrection (4:13-4:18)

Chapter 5

a.       Be prepared: no one knows when the Lord will return (5:1-5:11)

b.       Paul’s final instructions (5:12-5:28)








1. The bright hope of Christ’s return (1:1-2:17)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   Paul encourages those experiencing persecution (1:3-1:12)

Chapter 2

a.   Paul predicts the coming of the Lawless One (2:1-2:12)

b.   Believers should stand firm (2:13-2:17)

2. Living in the light of Christ’s return (3:1-3:18)

Chapter 3

a.   Paul requests prayer (3:1-3:5)

b.   Paul admonishes the church against laziness (3:6-3:15)

c.   Paul’s final greetings (3:16-3:18)














1. Instructions on right belief (1:1-1:20)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   Paul warns about false teachers (1:3-1:11)

c.   God’s mercy on Paul (1:12-1:17)

d.   Cling tightly to the faith (1:18-1:20)

2. Instructions for the church (2:1-3:16)

Chapter 2

a.   Instructions about worship (2:1-2:15)

Chapter 3

a.   Standards for church leaders (3:1-3:16)

3. Instructions for leaders (4:1-6:21)

Chapter 4

a.   Paul gives guidelines for teaching (4:1-4:16)

Chapter 5

a.       Caring for different groups in the church (5:1-6:2)

Chapter 6

a.       Avoid worthless arguments and the longing to be rich (6:3-6:10)

b.       Paul’s final instructions (6:11-6:21)




1. Foundations of Christian service (1:1-2:26)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:2)

b.   Paul encourages Timothy to be faithful (1:3-1:18)

Chapter 2

a.   Good soldiers are not afraid to suffer (2:1-2:13)

b.   Good workers are not ashamed of their work (2:14-2:26)

2. Difficult times for Christian service (3:1-4:22)

Chapter 3

a.   The last days characterized by sinfulness (3:1-3:9)

b.   Paul’s charge to Timothy (3:10-4:8)

Chapter 4

i.         Paul’s final words (4:9-4:22)



1. Leadership in the church (1:1-1:16)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:4)

b.   Qualifications for church leaders (1:5-1:9)

c.   Warning against false teachers (1:10-2:15)

2. Right living in the church (2:1-2:15)

Chapter 2

j.         Warnings against false teachers (1:10-2:15)

3. Right living in society (3:1-3:15)

Chapter 3

b.       Obey the government (3:1-3:8)

c.       Avoid useless arguments (3:9-3:11)

d.      Paul’s final instructions (3:12-3:15)






1. Paul’s appreciation of Philemon (1:1-1:7)

Chapter 1

2. Paul’s appeal for Onesimus (1:8-1:25)






e.      THE SUPERIORITY OF CHRIST (1:1-10:18)

1. Christ is greater than the angels

Chapter 1

a.   God’s Son compared to the angels (1:1-1:14)

Chapter 2

a.       Warning against drifting away (2:1-2:4)

b.       Christ came as a human being (2:5-2:18)

2. Christ is greater than Moses

Chapter 3

k.       Jesus compared to Moses (3:1-3:6)

l.         Now is the time to listen to God (3:7-3:19)

Chapter 4

c.       A rest for God’s people (4:1-4:13)                     

3. Christ is greater than the Old Testament priesthood

Chapter 5

a.   Jesus Christ is our high priest (4:14-5:10)

Chapter 6

a.   Go beyond elementary principles (5:11-6:12)

b.   God’s certain promise gives hope (6:13-6:20)

Chapter 7

a.   Melchisedec compared to Abraham (7:1-7:14)

b.   Christ is like Melchisedec (7:15-7:28)

4. The new covenant is greater than the old

Chapter 8

a.       Christ is the high priest of the new covenant (8:1-8:13)

Chapter 9

a.   Rules for worship under the old covenant (9:1-9:10)

b.       Christ is the perfect offering for sin (9:11-9:28)

Chapter 10

a.   A sacrifice once for all (10:1-10:18)

f.        THE SUPERIORITY OF FAITH (10:19-13:25)

b.   Living by faith (10:19-10:39)

Chapter 11

a.   Great heroes of faith (11:1-11:40)

Chapter 12

a.   God’s discipline proves his love (12:1-12:13)

b.   Warning against refusing to listen (12:14-12:29)

Chapter 13

a.   Holy and obedient lives (13:1-13:17)

b.   Final words (13:18-13:25)





1. Genuine religion (1:1-1:27)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1)

b.   Enduring trials and temptations (1:2-1:18)

c.   Listening and doing (1:19-1:27)

2. Genuine faith (2:1-3:12)

Chapter 2

a.       Do not favor the rich (2:1-2:13)

b.       Faith results in good works (2:14-2:26)

Chapter 3

a.       Controlling the tongue (3:1-3:12)

3. Genuine wisdom (3:13-5:20)

b.   Wisdom from heaven (3:13-3:18)

Chapter 4

a.       Drawing near to God (4:1-4:12)

b.   Trust God in making future plans (4:13-4:17)      

Chapter 5

a.       Warning to the rich (5:1-5:6)

b.       Patience in suffering (5:7-5:12)

c.       Faithful prayer (5:13-5:18)

d.       Restore wandering believers (5:19-5:20)



1. God’s great blessings to his people (1:1-2:10)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1)

b.   The hope of eternal life (1:2-1:12)

c.   A call to holy living (1:13-2:3)

Chapter 2

a.   Living building stones for God’s house

2. The conduct of God’s people in the midst of suffering (2:11-4:19)

b.       Obey those in authority (2:11-2:25)

Chapter 3

b.       Wives and husbands (3:1-3:7)

c.       Suffering for doing good (3:8-3:17)

d.       We are partners with Christ in our suffering (3:18-4:6)

Chapter 4

a.       Continue to love each other in the midst of suffering (4:7-5:11)

3. The shepherding of God’s people in the midst of suffering (5:1-5:14)

Chapter 5

a.   Shepherding God’s flock (5:1-5:11)

b.   Peter’s final greetings (5:12-5:14)


1. Guidance for growing Christians (1:1-1:21)

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1)

b.   Character qualities to develop in life (1:2-1:11)

c.   Paying attention to scripture (1:12-1:21)

2. Danger to growing Christians (2:1-2:22)

Chapter 2

a.   Dangers to growing Christians (2:1-2:22)

3. Hope for growing Christians (3:1-3:18)

Chapter 3

a.   Hope for the growing Christians (3:1-3:18)


1. God is Light (1:1-2:29)

Chapter 1

a.   Jesus Christ is God’s Son (1:1-1:4)

b.   Living in the light of God (1:5-2:11)

Chapter 2

a.   I write unto you (2:1-2:11)

b.   Do not love this evil world (2:12-2:17)

c.   Warning against antichrists (2:18-2:29)

2. God is Love

Chapter 3

a.       We are God’s children (3:1-3:10)

b.       We must love other Christians (3:11-3:24)

Chapter 4

a.       Distinguish truth from false teaching (4:1-4:6)

b.       Love comes from God (4:7-4:21)           

3. God is Life

Chapter 5

a.   Love comes from God (5:1-5:21)




1. Watch out for false teachers (1:1-1:11)

Chapter 1

2. John’s final words (1:12-1:13)



1. God’s children live by the standards of the Gospel (1:1-1:12)

Chapter 1

2. John’s final words (1:13-1:15)



1.      The danger of false teachers (1:1-16)

2.      The duty to fight for God’s truth (1:17-1:25)




g.      LETTERS TO THE CHURCHES (1:1-3:22)

1. Division in the church

Chapter 1

a.   Introduction (1:1-1:3)

b.   John’s greetings and praise to God (1:4-1:8)

c.   The vision of Christ (1:9-1:20)

Chapter 2

a.   The loveless church (2:1-2:7)

b.   The persecuted church (2:8-2:11)

c.   The lenient church (2:12-2:17)

d.  The compromising church (2:18-2:29)

Chapter 3

a.       The lifeless church (3:1-3:6)

b.       The obedient church (3:7-3:13)

c.       The lukewarm church (3:14-3:22)



h.      MESSAGE FOR THE CHURCH (4:1-22:21)

1. Worshipping God in heaven

Chapter 4

a.   The glorious throne (4:1-4:11)

Chapter 5

a.   The scroll and the Lamb (5:1-5:14)

2. Breaking the seven seals

Chapter 6

a.   The seals (6:1-17)

Chapter 7

a.   The 144,000 sealed by God (7:1-7:8)

b.   The great crowd (7:9-7:17)

Chapter 8

a.   The seventh seal (8:1-8:5)

3. Sounding the seven trumpets

b.   The trumpets (8:6-8:13)

Chapter 9

a.   The trumpets (9:1-9:21)

Chapter 10

a.   The angel with the small scroll (10:1-10:11)

Chapter 11

a.   The two witnesses (11:1-11:14)

b.   The seventh trumpet (11:15-11:19

4. Observing the great conflict

Chapter 12

a.   The woman and the Dragon (12:1-12:17)

Chapter 13

a.   The two beasts (13:1-13:18)

Chapter 14

a.   The Lamb and the 144,00 (14:1-14:5)

b.   The three angels (14:6-14:13)

c.   The harvest of the earth (14:14-14:20)

5. Pouring out the seven plagues

Chapter 15

a.   The angels with the last plagues (15:1-15:8)

Chapter 16

a.   The vials of God’s wrath (16:1-16:21)

6. Seizing the final victory

Chapter 17

a.   The great whore and the scarlet beasts (17:1-17:17)

Chapter 18

a.   The fall of Babylon (18:1-19:5)

Chapter 19

a.   The marriage supper of the Lamb (19:6-19:10)

b.   The rider on the white horse (19:11-19:21)

Chapter 20

a.   The 1,000 years (20:1-20:6)

b.   The destruction of Satan (20:7-20:10)

c.   The final judgment (20:11-20:15)

7. Making all things new

Chapter 21

a.   The new earth (21:1-21:8)

b.   The new Jerusalem (21:9-21:27)

Chapter 22

a.   The river of Life (22:1-22:6)

b.   The promise of Jesus’ return (22:7-22:21)

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