Interactions Among Organisms: A WebQuest

Introduction | Task | Process Banner image of bee on flower. Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


Your group has been hired by a local environmentalist foundation in order to increase public awareness of the daily interactions between organisms in our deciduous forest environment. The foundation would like you to address the following essential question: How are the interactions between organisms and the environment essential to survival? Ecologists have described four main ways that species and individuals interact: competition, predators and prey, symbiotic relationships, and coevolution. This webquest will focus on competition, predator-prey relationships, and symbiosis.

The foundation asks that you pick one of the three factors described above and research the topic in order to become an expert on the interaction. After collecting the essential information needed, you will design a brochure showcasing your knowledge. The brochure must include a description of the interaction, its importance to other organisms and the environment, at least three examples of the interaction occurring in nature, and two or more images to make the brochure visually pleasing. If done correctly, this brochure will be made available to the public through a link on the foundation's website.

Before you begin, please explore the following websites in order to research the topic and provide details to use in your brochure.  You may use other sources of information as references as well. Make sure to give proper credit to the information you incorporate. *Note: Some sites use the Holt Life Science textbook and may require a student login. All Cobb County students will have this information.

Predator Prey:




Criteria for Grading:

Needs  Improvement

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Product Appeal

Use of font, color, and one graphic is evident, but often distract from brochure’s content.

Makes good use of font, color, and less than two graphics to enhance the brochure.

Makes excellent use of font, color, two or more graphics, to enhance the brochure.

Content Organization

There was no clear or logical organizational structure.

Lists facts only.

Overall organization and presentation is appropriate.

Content is well organized, easy to understand, and clearly presented in brochure.

Required Brochure Content

Vague description /No description of interaction included or description.

Examples of interactions occurring in nature are vague or missing.

Description of interaction included but only partial examples occurring in nature included.

Successfully identifies type of interaction present and fully relates three or more interactions in nature.

Shows connection between assignment and real-world.

Importance of Interactions

Importance of interaction not stated or is vague.

Briefly states importance but lacks support.

Clearly relates interactions of organisms and the importance for survival.

Provides support and relevant information to share with public.


Includes four or more errors in spelling and/or grammar.

Few or little misspellings or grammatical errors.

Language is appropriate.

No misspellings or grammatical errors and the language used demonstrate a deep understanding of the material.






















Students will use culminating activity rubric (above) for self assessment and turn it in one day before the brochure due date. For example, students will look at each section of the rubric and rate themselves. They will then write a journal entry or a letter to the teacher or parent about how they rated themselves, why they rated themselves the way they did, and describe their next steps. The brochure will be displayed in the classroom after students briefly present their work. The class will have the opportunity to vote if they approve of the brochure and decide if it should or should not be uploaded to the foundation's website.

Images Courtesy of Google Images.

Holt Science and Technology: Life Science Textbook

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