Activity to Complete:

Symbiosis Haiku
Visual Representation



Power Points for review:
Presentation One
Presentation Two

Symbiosis Video

Let's Practice for the Quiz!
Read the scenarios below and decide what type of symbiosis it represents. If you get three out of four correct, then move on to the Assessment Quiz. If not, visit the power points for review.

1. A young girl is visiting her grandmother. The girl has noticed how her grandmother struggles to bend down to get things out of the lower cupboards. The girl then decides to assist her grandmother with collecting utensils as they prepare dinner. As the girl is helping, the grandmother notices the girl does not know some of the proper names of the utensils. The grandmother makes a game out of learning the utensils and then makes a song. The two worked together to prepare the meal. Grandma had help getting the utensils, and it was a learning experience for the young girl.


2. You are seated in class near a student. You do not "hang out" with this student, but you make conversation with him when he is there. When he is in school, you do not benefit from him in anyway. You are smarter, you are self motivated, and you are social with others without him. When he is not there, you do not miss him. He, on the other hand, returns from an absence and tells you he missed you. He always wants to be your partner and without you in the room, he does not socialize with others. He frequently asks you to help him and asks you to check his progress on activities.


3. You are walking through the woods and a tick bites you. The tick is carrying the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever bacteria. The bacteria are transferred to you as long as the tick remains attached to your body as the tick sucks your blood to feed itself. You find the tick and remove it, thinking nothing has happened. Within one month, you begin to see a rash around the bite site and begin to run a fever. Other symptoms appear and you become very sick.


4. You and your dog are playing outside. You received the dog as a puppy when you were five years old. Your dog misses you when you're gone and is always excited to see you when you return home. He sits on your lap while you watch TV and stroke his fur. Sometimes you even talk to your dog as if he understands your deepest feelings. Your dog is an important part of your life and you cannot imagine your life without him.


Click here for the Symbiosis Quiz!