"The Super Heroes"


Captian America

Wonder Woman

With the fear of war looming over the horizon, the people had to do a lot to prepare for the coming war with the Axis powers. The Superheroes went from a select few over a dozen and rising, Superheroes started fighting the Axis powers before the U.S. government. With the bombing of Pearl Harbor we were at war and so were the superheroes. This would be known as the golden age of Comics for comics sales were thru the roof. March 1941 Captain America made his debut in Captain America #1. Created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Captain America was a superhero who wore the colors of the American flag as his costume. As you see in the picture with him giving the right hook to Hitler, that picture was gave Marvel Comics hell they got hate mail from Nazi sympathizer and isolations. Now Captain America was the third well known superhero at marvel with other hero's with the submariner and the first human torch who was an android who fight crime. December 1941 Wonder Woman made her debut in All Stars Comics #8. Created by Dr. William Molten Marston, before wonder woman there were no female superheroes. DC comics decide that they needed a female superhero to help reach an appeal with girls. Wonder Woman also had appeal with boys as well; she was not just powerful she was also beautiful. After the birth of Wonder Woman, other female superheroes were made which would bring a positive change in the indistrey.

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