"The Super Heroes"




After the establishment of the Comics Code Authority, the times in America were changing in a new direction and the return of the superheroes which would be the being of the silver age of comics. DC though of the idea of science fiction updates of some of their once golden age heroes and introducing the idea of superhero teams like the justice league. But Marvel would shine very bright in the decade with new superheroes that were different from DC. At Marvel the people would push the limits of the Code with writers like Stan Lee and Artist like Jack Kirby. August 1962 Spider-man made his debut in Amazing Fantasy #15. Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, at the time many comic book readers were teenagers and college students. So Stan Lee after the success of the fantastic four, he decided to create a superhero that could climb walls. Stan went thru a long list of names before he found Spider-man. He decided that he wanted him to be a teenager and to have problems. When he told his publisher about this he thought he was crazy. So his publisher decided to have his story be told in the last issue of a failing science fiction magazen, after that he became a hit and Stan Lee was allowed to make Spider-man into his own title, what was great about Spider-man was that even though Peter Parker(Spider-Man) life was a mess before he got superpowers and even after he got superpowers his life is still a mess. Stan Lee would also create superheroes like the Hulk, the X-men, Nick Fury, Iron man, The Avengers, Daredevil and the Black Panther (the First Black Superhero) that is still in publication to this day. 1969 When DC editor Julius Schwartz decided to change the image of Batman from the image of the campy Adam West TV show, he put writer Denis O'Neil and artist Neil Adams to work on it. It would yelled great results, they brought back Batman's dark and scary image back. Where he was this Dark Avenger of the night, and the stories that were relevant to the time like Batman hunting a Nazi war criminal killing people of Jewish descend. This change and a few others to a variety of superheroes would movie the industry forward.

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