"The Super Heroes"


E C Comics

After the 1940's many superheroes had faded into obscurity and their books were canceled except Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. The peoples taste were changing a new comic genre were created like westerns, teen romance, crime, horror and war stories. But some of these stores would get the industry in trouble with government. It would mostly come from EC comics. With the raise of juvenile deliquesce in the 1950's Dr. Fredrick Wertham went to a detection center and ask what the children were reading and it turns out they were reading comic books. April 1950 When William M. Gaines took over his father's comic book publishing company Entertaining Comics. He would set a new trend with comic's books with crime, war, and what they were most famous for were Horror comics. EC comic's horror and crime stories were well drawn and had great story telling to them and people were hooked on them. Some of the stories were also very political which has been in comics since the 1930's but these brought a new message to the readers. 1954 In 1953 the "seduction of the innocent" was a book written by Dr. Fredrick Wertham. In the book he challenged the comic book industry, with the statements about superman being a sanest, that Batman and Robin were gay and that Wonder Woman didn't act like girls were supposed to act. But what he really went after were the crime and horror comics, the senate had committee meeting about the violence and gore in comic books. Out of fear of government censorship the industry decide to establish a self-censoring organization called the Comics Code Authority, where publishers had to send the scripts out in advance for approval. They made strict rules about what was supposed to be in comics and many writers and artist lost their jobs, EC comics almost went out of business, if they didn't have mad magazine to help them.

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