MEDT 7467 - Web Design for Instruction

Assignment 3.2:  The Three Governors WebQuest
This is a WebQuest about the 2000 Presidential Election that was so controversial and how it relates to the election of the 1946 Georgia Governor.  Students will watch an interesting video, as well as explore the history of each election.

Assignment 3.3: Georgia Statehood Home Page
This is the home page to the Georgia History materials.  It contains webquests and webpages all about Georgia.

Assignment 3.4: Agriculture in Georgia: A Webquest
This is a webquest about the economic impact of the major Georgia crops on the state.

Assignment 3.5: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly WebQuest
This is a WebQuest for second grade students to learn about the four stages of a butterfly's life.  They will listen to Eric Carle read his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and discover what happens in each stage of the butterfly's life.

Assignment 3.6: Curriculum Plan Webpage
Here you will find the planning page that coincides with my Life Cycles Curriculum Web.

Assignment 3.14: Concept Mapping
Attached is a detailed concept map of the activities found in the Life Cycle Curriculum Web.

Assignment 3.15: Life Cycles Curriculum Web Homepage
Clicking above will take you to the homepage of my Life Cycles Curriculum Web. Here students can learn about able the life cycles of living organisms.

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