Introduction Standards Task Process Evaluation Credits Conclusion Teaching Guide

Work in Progress
1. You may click here to watch the author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle, read his story. Or you may watch the video below, you choose!  If you would like you may do both.

2. Sign on to our class blog spot ( and tell us about the stages of the butterfly's life as you heard them read to you in the story. You may comment on your classmates posts as well.

3.  Use this link to research the life cycle of a butterfly.  Compare this information with your notes from the story.

4. Use this last link to get any extra information you may need for your diagram.

5. Here are a few more resources you may use to complete your research:

6. After completing your research.  Try playing this game and see if you are ready for your final activity.  You may use your notes to help you during the game.

7. Complete your diagram of the life cycle of a butterfly.  You may draw this on poster board, create a model using materials in the classroom, or produce a slide showing using Power Point or ActivInspire.

6. Use the rubric in Evaluation to self assess your work before the you turn it in to you teacher.

Continue on to Evaluate your work!
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