The Big Three – Promethean Boards

Lisa Weaver

University of West Georgia








Issues in Instructional Technology – MEDT 8463

Dr. Leslie Moller

July 14, 2011

The Big Three – Promethean Boards

Many schools today are looking for the newest, greatest form of technology to place in classrooms.  Schools are looking at laptops, iPads, Smart Boards, and many other tools that students are now becoming more and more familiar with every day.  One tool that many people are now focusing on is the Promethean Board.  The Promethean Board is an interactive whiteboard that teachers can use as a writing board, watch videos, and much more (Delaney, 2009).

What does the Promethean Board really do when used in the classroom?  The ActivBoard allows teachers to connect to their classroom PC.  Whatever is being done on the PC is projected to the ActivBoard.  More specifically, “Promethean interactive whiteboards engage students with vivid images, video and audio.” (Promethean world, 2007).  There are many tools that can be purchased along with the ActivBoard to make them even more interactive.  There is the ActivSlate that allows the teacher to write on the board from anywhere in the classroom.  There is also the ActiVotes that allow students to respond to questions using a learner response system or “clicker”.  The goal of a Promethean Board is to make the classroom more interactive and open the classroom to the informational highway known as the Internet and all it has to offer.

Students today are brought up in homes that are full of technology.  They have gaming systems, computers, cell phones, and much more.  With students starting the technology use at such an early age, teachers have to find ways to keep students interested in what they are teaching.  Promethean Boards help teachers solve this problem.  Teachers now use their boards to stream in videos, make learning more interactive with virtual manipulatives, and play interactive educational games. 

Another issue facing education is budget.  Many times classrooms are unable to go on field trips due to the cost.  Promethean Boards are a solution to this issue as well.  Virtual field trips allow teachers to take their students around the world and see things that they would not be able to see on a regular field trip.  “Virtual trips eliminate the need for bus, driver and permission slips, while opening up spots of natural beauty and museums to the students (Primary grade teachers, 2010).”  Promethean Boards also allow students to become more involved in the learning process.  Students want to get out of their seats and interact with what they are learning and teachers are now allowing that to happen.  Students no longer sit and listen to the teacher lecture.  They are able to be an active participant in the everyday learning in the classroom.

Some skeptics may say that there is an easier or cheaper way to integrate technology into the classroom other than Promethean Boards.  Computers for every student would be a great way to integrate technology, however where are you going to put all those computers?  If you had the space in every classroom to place 30 computers, desktop or laptop, every student would be working alone.  With a Promethean Board, teachers are able to link technology and collaborative learning.  Also, people may say, “We have textbooks and paper for all that.  We don’t need the glorified dry erase board.”  This may be true, but think about the cost and efficiency of textbooks vs. a Promethean Board.  Textbooks have to be renewed every three years and could cost one school thousands of dollars each renewal.  Textbooks also become out of date quite quickly in today’s society.  With the use of a Promethean Board, you pay for the hardware once.  The software has free updates online so that you will always have the latest and the greatest.  Also, by using the Promethean Board, teachers have access to everything!  The material found online is constantly updated and would prove more beneficial than a text book.  Many textbooks now offer online versions and supplemental materials that could also be used with the Promethean Board.

            Many teachers are overwhelmed with all the new Web 2.0 and School 2.0 tools that are being implemented into schools.  Promethean Boards are not a piece of technology to be intimidated by.  They are a valuable piece of equipment that teachers will learn quickly and use more often.  This will allow teachers to be the guide as students learn.  Teachers and students will both play an active part in the learning process with the use of Promethean Boards.  Students will be engaged in learning and performance will improve in all areas.















Delaney, L. (2009, October 9). Technology product reviews: pc magazine. Retrieved from

Primary grade teachers see role for technology. (2010). Electronic Education Report, 17(16), Retrieved from

Promethean world. (2007). Retrieved from