A Career Web Quest



How many times have you been asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Have you figured out the answer to that question yet? Even though you are still young, it is important to identify your areas of interest as well as your strengths. You also need to be aware of the many different types of careers that are available to choose from and what is involved with those careers. This web quest is designed to help you identify your interests and then research a career that may be just right for you.

This web quest was designed to meet the following standards:

MSCD7-2: Students will investigate Georgia’s Career Program Concentrations that align with their personal assessments and identify possible career pathways.
      c) Discover and coordinate personal abilities, interests, and personality traits with career concentrations and pathways.
      d) Gather information from multiple resources based on current, unbiased, and accurate research relation to self-selected career pathway options.



#1: Identify your interests and skills
#2: Research a job based upon your results


Link to handout

Go to http://www.learnmoreindiana.org/careers/exploring/InterestInventories/Pages/InterestInventories.aspx and take the Career Clickers Express assessment. Record your results on your handout.

Go to http://www.learnmoreindiana.org/careers/exploring/Pages/IndepthCareerInterestInventory.aspx and take the Career Clickers Expanded assessment. Record your results on your handout.

Go to http://online.onetcenter.org/find/descriptor/browse/Interests/ and choose the category from your interest assessment. List 10 jobs on your handout from this category.

Spend time reviewing the 10 jobs you listed on your handout. Narrow the list to one job that you would like to research further. Record on your handout.

Use the O*Net Online website to find out information about the job you chose. In addition, research the job on the government’s Occupational Outlook Handbook site: http://www.bls.gov/oco/. Record your findings on your handout.

Share your findings with the class (verbally). Be sure to mention whether or not you are interested in that type of job after your research.


Link to Rubric


There are thousands of jobs out there. Different people are suitable for different jobs. You should continue to assess your interests, skills, and abilities as you continue your education, as well as continue to research the type of jobs that you would enjoy. Eventually, you will find the right job for you!


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Last Updated on August 29, 2010 by Kristen Honaker