Step 2: The Sprint and the daily Scrum Meeting

The Sprint is the iteration comprised (normally) of 15 - 30 days during which the Scrum Team concentrates on realizing the goals defined by the project’s current Sprint Backlog.

Each day during the Sprint a daily Scrum Meeting is held.  These are brief, daily meetings (typically timeboxed at 15 min regardless of the team's size or the project being worked on) between the Scrum Master and the Scrum Team. The purpose of the Daily Scrum is to keep work flowing smoothly and eliminate any impediments.  These meeting normally have specific guidelines:
  • Anyone may attend, i.e managers, cutomers, etc., but only the Scrum Master and the Team may speak.
  • All those attending must stand
  • The meeting should happen at the same time every day and at the same location.  Usually, it is customary to have this meeting first thing in the morning when everyone in the team first arrives.
  • Punishments for those who are late to the meetings are decided by the Team.  these can range from anything to a fine to be donated to charity to having the offending team member wear a rubber chicken around his or her neck for a set period of time.

Each day during the meeting each team member must answer the following questions:
  • What have you done since yesterday?
  • What are you planning on doing tomorrow?
  • Do you have any problem preventing you from accomplishing your goals?

Next: The End of the Sprint