The “Roaring Twenties” was a significant time in history where Americans began to experience new culture.  Individual inventions and innovations such as cars, electricity, radio, new kinds of music, art, and literature changed people’s lives during this time.

Your group will write a script for a Voicethread presentation describing new innovations during the “Roaring Twenties”. As a group, you will determine which innovation each member will research. Individually, you will research a innovation, write the results of your research, and work with your group to complete a Voicethread describing the innovations and showing the benefits of each innovation for the people in the 1920’s.

As a group you will view the following website to get an understanding of the benefits of innovations during the “Roaring Twenties” and determine who will research more extensively each one of the innovations.
Use the following links to conduct your research.

You will then create a Voicethread presentation.To create a Voicethread, view the following link for directions will type and create a Voicethread to present your material.



Presentation Rubric


5 Points
Exceeds Expectations

3 Points

1 Point
Does Not Meet Expectations

Research Information

Innovation is completely discussed and the effect on people was discussed.

Innovation and effect are discussed but the effect on people was missing.

Information is missing on the Innovation and effect on the people was missing.

Written Information

Innovation was researched and written with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Innovation was researched and written with one mistake in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Information was researched and written with more than one mistake.

Followed Directions

Followed All Directions for research and Voicethread

Followed Most of the Directions for research and Voicethread

Difficulty Following Directions for research and Voicethread


Excellent Presentation

Good Presentation

Fair Presentation

Group Participation

Excellent Participation

Good Participation

Fair Participation


You will present your Voicethread as a group. The presentation will give information of the innovations of the “Roaring Twenties” and how the innovations affected people. Follow the rubric to ensure that you have written and presented information correctly.

Images Courtesy of
Viola, H. J., Jennings, C., Bednarz, S. W., Schug, M. C., Cortes, C. E., White, C. S. (2006). Social Studies: United States History: Civil War To Today. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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