Welcome! This is my home page for MEDT 7467 Web Design for Instruction. Through the links found on this page, you will be able to access each element of the course that I have completed, along with a brief reflection of each assignment. |
With this project, we began our journey through the wonderful world of web design. As I completed this first page, I have to say I was very excited. I had no idea how much better and more challenging this class would become. I think that this project was a nice introduction to the idea of web design.
WebQuests are sites that have been around a while. I remember completing very simple WebQuests while in college, but never utilizing them in the classroom. I think that this project allowed me to see how easy and effective WebQuests can be. I had fun learning different ways to make your Quest the appropriate way. Colors, font, size, etc. are all very important when building a WebQuest.
I really enjoyed the challenge of this assignment. We had been given a 'road map' to use so that we would understand the basic layout of a WebQuest. This proved to be very helpful. I have created more simple WebQuests, but have never created a usable activity. This assignment allowed me to do that using content knowledge and new knowledge of design.
In the beginning, this project was a planning document used to guide us through creating our actual Curriculum Web units. I utilized this to outline my objectives for my project. I used the thought process that my students would be completing this web unit as they are wrapping up the beginning portion of the Algebra unit. I tried to have the students demonstrate the knowledge they had recently gathered in each activity.
This is the tutorial and assignment that I have found the most useful for myself. As the webmaster and yearbook advisor at my school, learning to use software that I have access to on a regular basis was very exciting. I have begun using my knowledge to completely revamp our school's website. I find myself using photoshop more and more each day.
This assignment was another milestone in the climb to the finished Curriculum Web Unit. I used the skills I had gained from the previous assignments and created a page that would eventually become the home to my Curriculum Web Unit. Creating this page was a huge relief and I felt that all this hard work was beginning to pay off.
What is a curriculum web with out activities? This assignment had me take the activities that I had begun to think about and put them in a logical order. Which assignments go with each other? Do any activities not fit in with the standard or the purpose of this assignment? I used these questions to guide my learning activities concept map.
Creating actual pages and linking them to the home pages was a very interesting task. When I began this assignment, I was not sure where it would lead me. It of course lead me straight to the path of creating my own pages and adding my learning activities through these design concepts.
When adding the learning activities, I created three categories that my activities should fall under, below average, average, and above average. I used this differentiated model to help students get a taste of real life algebra. There are review activities, grow activities, and thining-outside-the-box activities. I feel that each of these sections will empower students in different ways.
This assignment was another example of different tools we could use in our curriculum web. I loved learning how to make the popup boxes, writing and changing the code for the Java script and learning how to weave the web of web design. Each of these skills has come in very, very handy when creating my own web.
Using this assignment's guidance, I created a plan on how I would assess student achievement for the curriculum web. I decided on rubrics for each activity. The rubrics are easily accessed by the students in the web. I have found that rubrics allow students to fully understand what is expected from them when turning in the final product.
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Using the assignment, linking learning activities, I created links within my curriculum web that would soon become the direction and flow of the curriculum web. Each activity has links to any extra information needed. There are directions on what to do with each activity.
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Each part of the previous assignments has supplied this activity with a lot of power. I have used elements from each previous activity to create my own curriculum web over the 6th grade Georgia standard, M6A2. This standard is a very basic algebra standard. I find it to be a very important standard as well, because all algebra is built upon the knowledge learned in this standard. I found that using all of my new found tools, I have created a fun and entertaining curriculum web.
Adding the multimedia aspect to your curriculum web is not always easy. Many schools and school districts ban certain sites. There are a lot of wonderful and educational sites that are banned and it is sometimes difficult to dodge sites that are banned. I find that many places now have code to where it is easy to embed objects into your site. There are also many sites that will help you embed easily. This is information I used to create the multimedia aspect of my curriculum web.
How to evaluate your personal work is very difficult. I came up with two surveys, one for students and one for adults. Each survey asked about key ideas or themes throughout the curriculum web. I found that asking these questions in written word really helped me view my site with a critical eye. It caused some last minute changes!
Can the curriculum web be navigated with ease? I feel that my site is easily navigated and there are icons or directional tools all around the site that can easily get you back on track if needed.
The teaching plan was easy to incorporate into my curriculum plan. As the curriculum web gets more and more completed, the learning plan and teaching plan seem to write themselves. As a teacher, I find it to be important to have a plan. I feel that my teaching plan is informative and allows anyone to use my curriculum web and understand what is going on.
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Finished, at last! This has been one of the most difficult classes I have take in my entire educational career. However, I have been greatly rewarded. Using the design concepts learned in the previous modules, I think I have created a Curriculum Web that is going to be a hit with my students and fellow teachers. I hope to implement this website into my lesson plans at the start of 2011. I think each aspect of the website will play an integral part of the learning process among my students. I look forward to practical use of this project. Last updated on December 5, 2010 by Ashley Bailey |