Image of Jenifer

Jennifer's MEDT 6401 Course Portfolio

MEDT 6401: Instructional Technology

This course is about the following:


Assignment 3.1
Creating a course portfolio

Learning to create a web page has been both exciting and frustrating. It was difficult for me to get my page formatted and posted to the web, but I am excited to learn how to do this. I can see how this can be useful in my professional life. I think it would be very beneficial for me to keep up with what I do professionally, as well as what I learn. For example, in the fall of 2010 I attended the Georgia Educational Technology Conference. I could have made a posting about what I saw and learned.

Assignment 3.2 Inspiration
This is my Inspiration diagram for the ASSURE lesson.
This is my Inspiration outline for the ASSURE lesson.

Inspiration is a useful program for developing graphic organizers. The note capability allows teachers to write out details of a lesson plan. This can be printed for "teacher use" in an outline format. A diagram format of the same lesson may be printed out as a graphic organizer for "student use". I am sure this resource will help me fulfill the requirements of final ASSURE lesson.

Assignment 3.3
The Three Presidents WebQuest

Webquests can be engaging authentic tasks for students. They allow students to practice technological and research skills as performance tasks are completed. Practicing how to develop a WebQuest as well as creating a web page for a WebQuest has been useful to me as I now find myself considering how I can use web resources more effectively in the classroom.

Assignment 3.4 Google Docs test document

Link to Online Technology Survey

Technology Survey results

I found the creation of the survey a lot of fun. I can see many applications of this resource. Twice a year I poll our staff about technology issues. I think next year I will use this application instead of the paper and pencil form.

Assignment 3.5 Creating your own Webquest

I was so proud to see my webquest up on the server and my links and video work! Embedding code sounds scary, but I loved to see that I could do it. I tried to make the lesson simple. I chose to design a lesson I would use as an introduction. I didn't want to get too caught up in planning the lesson that I did not have time to concentrate on learning how to do the webquest. In the future I would like to do a "part II" of this lesson that would be less simplistic. I am also learning a little more about copyright notations, and I feel better about how I cited this page.

Assignment 3.6 ASSURE lesson Participation

After participating in the ASSURE demonstration, I have a better understanding of the design model. I feel this demonstration will help me as I begin creating my own lesson. The online activity and imbedded videos, in particular, were very engaging.

Assignment 3.7 Copyright Activity
.pdf of the AUP for this assignment

I think it is important for teachers and students to understand copyright law. I would like to add lessons about acceptable use of technology and proper citations as part of the regular "rituals and routines" that I do at the beginning of each school year. I think this was activity a good springboard that will help me begin gathering information for the creation of these lessons.

Assignment 3.8 Task Analysis Activity

Working through this assignment made me think about all of the little things that I want my students to be able to do for my ASSURE lesson. I think breaking the steps down helped me better understand what could go wrong in the lesson and build in safeguards to ensure student success.

Assignment 3.9 Addressing Diversity with Technology

I chose the scenario in which assistive technology could be used with English Language Learners. I found many good resources on the web. One of the most interesting is software from a company called Kurzweil. This software allows for the scanning of text documents so those documents can be converted to speech. Students may also click on specific words within the scanned image to hear a definition or synonym. I think this would be a great resource to use for this particular scenario, as the main difficulty was the student was having trouble understanding a classroom textbook.

Assignment 3.10 Writing a Behavioral Objective

The video for this lesson broke the sample behavioral objective down into its basic components. I feel this was especially helpful in creating my own objective. I also chose to color code my objective to ensure I have not left anything out. I hope to build upon this objective as I complete my ASSURE lesson plan.

Assignment 3.11 Website Evaluation Activity
website overview (a)
evaluation instrument (b)
evaluation (c)

I chose to review a website for this exercise that I had used recently with my kindergarten students. It was interesting using the evaluation provided with this exercise. I love the website I chose to review however, when I evaluated it using this instrument I found that the website was lacking a few things. Overall, I still feel it is a good website, but I appreciate how this process allows one to see things that might be overlooked when chosing technology materials.

Assignment 3.12 Technology Based Lesson Plan

This lesson reminded me of the lessons we created for InTech certification. I liked the hyperlinks that were linked to the .pdf. I usually overlook things like classroom management pertaining specificlly to the technology I am using, and this lesson plan forced me to rethink my plans. Another item that was lined to the .pdf was how one would deliver the lesson, to the whole group, small group, or indiviudually. The creation of this plan was helpful to finishing up the final ASSURE lesson plan.

Assignment 3.13 ASSURE Lesson Plan

Although I have created many lesson plans. This format allowed me to better think through how I would use technology. The structure also made me think about potential problems with the lesson. I look forward to using this more often in the future.

Assignment 3.14 Using the ADDIE Model to Plan for Instruction

Microsoft Word Format with working web links

I like this model more than the ASSURE format because it seems to work as a "think aloud." The structure allows one to think through the diverse needs of students. The "evaluation" component makes me feel that it is okay to change a lesson based on the first run-through. Lessons that heavily involve technology can be very time consuming to create. I think this is an appropriate model that builds in that reflection. It is wise to think lessons such as these will be used and improved in the future.

Assignment 3.15 Web-Based Portfolio

I have really enjoyed making this portfolio. I liked organizing all of our projects in one area. The reflection after each assignment also allowed me to create a few mental notes that I feel I will need later as I progress thoughout this program.

I especially enjoyed learning a little about how to design a web page. I think this is a smart way to keep up with one's professional development. I wish I had all of my previous information organized this way. I hop to go back now that I have learned a few things and remedy this in the future.